Template:Featured Articles/7-2020

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MoA Cypher.png
Moment of Awesome - Doug Ramsey/Cypher: During the final showdown with Cul Bor'son, brother of Odin, Doug realizes he has a role to play.

Doug still wasn't entirely sure why he was there, to be honest. He'd just recently been through an intense physical and then an even more intense conversation with Marie-Ange about his ability to function in the field.

"Yes, Doug, I am aware we just talked about you staying behind, but I also added a clause regarding the potential end of the world, and I am quite certain this qualifies," she had said somewhat exasperatedly as she buckled the back of his body armor.

Still, he felt even farther out of his weight class than normal, between his condition and the fact that they were apparently up against the no-kidding evil brother of freaking ODIN. Thor was wielding the Odinsword, and at best fighting a losing battle. It was even harder to fight down a surge of despair when Cul sent Thor crashing limply to the ground, the Odinsword pinwheeling the opposite direction across the ground...

...and landing only feet away from him, Marie-Ange, and Tandy.

Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but Doug swore he could see a single gleaming rune in the otherworldly uru that formed the blade of the sword. Tiwaz, for Tyr. The god he called on when holding his own Asgardian blade. A shining arrow pointing directly down the tip...right at him. His hand twitched toward the sword, halted only by a belated awareness of Marie-Ange's fingers tapping on her spear that cut through the roaring in his ears. It didn't seem right for Morse code, and then he realized she was humming under her breath, not even really aware she was doing so.

His very-much-not-Hamiltrash girlfriend certainly wouldn't be telling him 'wait for it (wait for it) wait for it (wait for it)' on her own, after all. Doug's hand returned to his side, but now he knew he wasn't just standing still.

He was lying in wait.