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<b>May 13</b> - Maya is done with how weird the mansion is. Bobby and Clint meet up the kitchen and combine their respective hobbies.
<b>May 13</b> - Maya is done with how weird the mansion is. Bobby and Clint meet up the kitchen and combine their respective hobbies. Bobby and Miles have their first date. Gabriel texts Bobby asking about the date.

Revision as of 21:17, 13 May 2018

April 2018 *** June 2018
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May 1 -

May 2 - Alex posts pondering about a blood drive for mutants. Doug posts about a May the Fourth Star Wars RPG party.

May 3 - Laurie considers the ethics versus the morality of rejecting mutant blood. Xavin talks to Jean about becoming a trainee.

May 4 - Natasha texts Clint asking about the chapel. Tales of Magik: Imus ad Infernum: A teleporting accident drags Illyana, Topaz, Rahne, Warren, Amadeus, Miles, and Gabriel to Limbo, where they immediately encounter zombies; after finding shelter, Illyana tells the group about her past; Illyana and Topaz discuss Limbo and magic; Rahne, stuck in werewolf form, gets some comfort from Miles; Warren storms off from the group and meets Limbo!Felicia. Lorna demands to know who left banana bread burning. X-Men Mission: Type X Negative: Sooraya posts about another blood bank attack.

May 5 - Jean decides to retire her codename Marvel Girl, and asks for suggestions. Tales of Magik: Imus ad Infernum: Miles finds Warren and they talk about their options; the group runs into a puzzle; more trouble when the group runs into a gaggle of gargoyles and demons; Miles and Gabriel discuss Miles’ kiss with Bobby; Topaz offers Gabriel a light for his cigarette, and they discuss the weirdness of their lives; Gabriel helps Rahne process the weirdness; Rahne asks Topaz about her time at the mansion and if it’s worth it to stay there; Ganke texts Bobby asking where Miles is. Angelo posts asking if Doug wants to do the usual for Cinco de Mayo.

May 6 - Alex texts Lorna about a hiking trip next weekend. Amanda wonders where Topaz is. Wade asks where Gabriel is. Tales of Magik: Imus ad Infernum: The group finally gets to Illyana’s garden, and encounter Carnage; Warren and Rahne protect Illyana, while Miles, Amadeus, Topaz, and Gabriel fight Carnage; after two forms of Carnage, Illyana takes out Carnage 2.0 and gets them all home. Amanda confronts Topaz about draining Gabriel’s emotions, and Topaz blows her off. Miles texts Ganke about his crazy weekend. Rahne freaks out about carnage goo in her hair. Marie-Ange texts Felicia about Rahne’s hair emergency. Reed wonders if walking away from the angry Scott with the scissors was a good idea.

May 6 - Gabriel emails Snow Valley to call out sick. He then texts Clarice about dehydration. Topaz emails Gabriel to apologize for draining his emotions, and offers help if he needs it. Tandy posts about the first week of her food bank being a success. Bobbi takes Alex to the gun range for some training.

May 7 - Demon Bear: Clea texts Stephen Rahne, Maya, Nica, Miles, and Xavin about doing something for Nica’s birthday. Felicia posts a picture of Rahne’s new haircut. Doug wonders who bet on him forgetting his birthday again.

May 8 -

May 9 - Ev posts about Jennie leaving. Clarice posts about eating glass. Clint posts to his Team of Awesome asking if anyone needs anything, suggesting volunteering at Tandy’s uncle’s food kitchen, and asks about uniforms, getting very vocal protests from Topaz and Kyle. Topaz further texts Clint informing him she didn’t sign up to be a superhero. Kyle texts Topaz offering alcohol.

May 10 - Clint posts to retract the uniforms thing, but does offer to trick things out for people. Demon Bear: Clea’s and Stephen’s history professor shows them his new artifacts. Darcy posts a disturbing commercial.

May 11 - Maya is annoyed Brooklyn Nine-Nine was canceled. Angel posts about Amadeus leaving for Muir Island. Demon Bear: The kids get to school, and find out there was some vandalization; through the day, they have weird and terrifying encounters; while talking, Maya sees a girl who disappeared earlier in the day, only for her to disappear again; Nica, Miles, and Xavin arrive at school to meet the kids for a movie, and the world turns upside down; Mles, Nica, and Clea are separated from everyone else; the rest realize something weird is going on; Angel posts about the GPS on the kids’ phones going crazy; Alex, Darcy, Megan, and Julian go to the school to find out what’s going on, and get caught up in the weirdness; more missing, more finding; Nica and Clea find the adults who came to look for them, as well as Rahne; Jean-Phillipe posts about the group that went to the school also falling out of touch; Molly, Meggan, Jean-Phillipe, and Sharon arrive at the school and begin investigating; Darcy, Pixie, Nica, and Clea find Sharon, Molly, and Megan; all the groups finally reunite, and a plan is set to go at the bear; they have their final encounter with the bear, finally taking it down; Alex, Julian, and Jean-Phillipe find the missing girl, who has no memory of what happened, and bring her to the hospital. Miles complains to Gabriel about ending up in another world. Topaz asks for someone to feed her cat for the weekend, as Ty has kidnapped her.

May 12 - Clea texts Nica about doing something for her birthday. Angelo posts about Eurovision. Hope invites friends to her 21t birthday next weekend. Miles and Bobby talk - and then do more than talk.

May 13 - Maya is done with how weird the mansion is. Bobby and Clint meet up the kitchen and combine their respective hobbies. Bobby and Miles have their first date. Gabriel texts Bobby asking about the date.


X-Men Mission: Type X Negative

Tales of Magik: Imus ad Infernum

Generation X: Demon Bear

External Links

May 2018