April 2015

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Revision as of 23:04, 26 April 2015 by MichaelG (talk | contribs)
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March 2015 *** May 2015
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Apr 1 - Xavin talks with Matt and is weirded out by the whole school and Generation X thing. Adrienne finds out with her powers that Warren and Jessica had sex in the X-Factor office (and on her desk) and he finds out she’s a mutant; Warren lets Jessica know what happened and they wind up making arrangements to hook up again. Adrienne lets Emma and Garrison know her powers are acting up and she can Read items through things she’s touching. Angel and Tandy go on a donut run and catch up with each other. Tabitha confesses to apparently everything. X-Force learns that the mutant slave ring is making a shipment and Artie goes undercover to smoke them out; Felicia has similar plans and winds up getting a save, courtesy of Wanda and North in police uniforms. Tandy drops by Amanda’s magic class and they catch up on the situation with the Dweller in the Dark. Angelica leaves a souvenier t-shirt and poker chip for Jean from Vegas and Jean texts her to say thank you. Clarice complains about the field trip curse striking again and the need for retail therapy. Tandy tries to prank Adrienne by telling her she is having Loki’s baby, but Adrienne isn’t fooled. Gabriel and Warren run into each other in a grungy basement nightclub. Miles and Gabriel catch up after Miles has a DR session and Miles invites Gabriel to Easter dinner at his parents’ house.

Apr 2 - Molly and Artie reunite in the kitchen, and in the process talk about the problems involved with the new world and the new people. Kevin and Wade talk about what being a spy involves. Cecilia is most unhappy at Wade for disappearing so abruptly and lets him know about it. Molly meets the new Matt and experiences the oddness of the ‘frankenberry’ people for herself.

Apr 3 - Wade texts Marie-Ange to let her know he has their costumes for Adrienne’s birthday party. North catches Felicia in his office and after holding her at gunpoint, they talk. Wade texts Scott to let him know he has food and to meet him at their usual spot. Felicia makes her first post to the journals. Jean and Warren go to Miami for a short vacation and in the process decide to go back to being friends. Molly seeks out Wade, since he’s not looking for her.

Apr 4 - Molly posts about her return and her time in Asgard; Angelo goes to find her and there are Christmas songs and snacks. Adrienne’s birthday party at Harry’s Hideaway - the mansion adults attend in Disney costume and there is mostly fun and banter; Adrienne tells Jean about Warren and Jessica, and Jean tells Warren exactly what she thinks of him cheating on her; while cleaning up, Rogue kisses Logan, but he gently rebuffs her.

Apr 5 - Very early Sunday morning, Warren and Clint ditch the Harry’s party and go for something more their speed; waking very late Sunday, Warren takes Clint to his Easter Sunday dinner at his fathers’ house and Matt is unimpressed by what he hears - and smells; the adopted brothers have quality time with their family. Molly texts Angel about their surprise Easter egg hunt plan. Miles and Gabriel hang out after dinner at Miles’ family’s house. Tandy reflects that maybe Easter Sunday wasn’t the best day to tell her Catholic priest uncle that she isn’t dead any more.

Apr 6 - Felicia can’t sleep and this time it’s Wade who gets to have a late-night chat. Roxy tells Angel about her progress with her powers and it’s decided she should be able to go to school soon. Felicia makes another Instagram crosspost, this time about decorating her new place. Angel gives Gabriel an after-Easter treat. Wade texts Adrienne, Marie-Ange and Doug for help after Weasel’s car has its windows shot out.

Apr 7 - Kevin encounters Warren on the roof and is less than impressed and makes no attempt to hide it.

April 8: Felicia texts Warren about redecorating her suite.

April 9: Wade finds Gabriel in the gym and continues his recruitment of the speedster for X-Force. Felicia posts a picture of Warren and teases him for his lack of technological skills.

April 10: Wade posts thanking everyone for voting for the Golden Girls lego set. 21st Century Digital Boy - Quentin Quire manifests his telepathy in the middle of school after being harassed; a news story breaks about kids at Van Wyck Prepratory Academy collapsing; Jean and Jennie dispatch to find out what's going on at the school, and discover Quentin; together they talk him down and get him out; Jean texts Scott to update him on what happened at the school. Matt and Clint label the food in the kitchen with Braille; Clint texts Scott after to make sure that was okay. Molly texts Jubilee a picture of a present she got for her. Marie-Ange and Laurie hang out, and Marie-Ange offers some advice.

April 11: Laurie and Amanda spend some time reconnecting. Jubilee posts about feeling old. Haller and Rachel finally return from the astral plane, where they've been since the old universe was destroyed. Clarice posts about a dance party in the grad room. Topaz meets Clint outside, and is once again thrown by the appearance of a former friend.

April 12: Kurt catches Topaz sneaking out far too early. Laurie emails Emma and Doug for help with a prosthetic. Doug meets Rachel and Haller early in the morning when they return to the mansion. Haller goes to see Charles and confirm that he is not a threat. Scott is surprised to find Haller waiting for him in his office after. Gabriel and Clint meet again - this time in the mansion. X-Factor Casefile: The Sting: Julian and Sue Storm are attacked in the city, and seek refuge at her apartment - they don't succeed; they escape, and Sue finally opens up about her past. Hope posts about going to Switzerland for a cultural diversity program, and emails Topaz to apologize for leaving. Gabriel posts asking for alcohol. Molly texts Gabriel to ask if he's okay.

April 13: X-Factor Casefile: The Sting Bobby and Jessica dig their way through the paperwork Sue provided; Lorna, Jessica, and Arthur trail the mark to a warehouse. Quentin and Gabriel meet at the Flyer’s Roof while smoking pot. Marie-Ange meets Quentin and finds him to be different, in a good way. Marie-Ange emails Doug about meeting Quentin and her thoughts on this frankenberrycat version of him. Felicia posts a instagram picture of a swatch of different black paints. Warren emails Adrienne about his sexual conducts in the XFI office, both of them are on good terms again. Doug and Laurie proposition about their relationship.

April 14: Sooraya emails Angelo, John, JP, Cecilia and Jean is there anyone she should keep an eye out for while staying in Washington. Laurie texts Wade that she may have broken Doug and questions about a movie. X-Factor Casefile: The Sting XFI tries to figure out what and who they are dealing with; Sue and Warren come up with a plan on how to deal with the situation; Arthur and Bobbi put that plan into action; Arthur and Sue goes to see what is up with the warehouse. Tyrone posts that he needs to buy some nice suits. Tandy texts Julian asking where he is. Roxy texts Miles about what happened to Alison Blair and hopes it isn’t rehab. Wade texts Jubilee about there being a younger Alison Blaire in this world. Miles interrupts Matt’s work out and Matt’s ipod suffers, they end up going to the Apple Store with Bobby. Alison Blair posts a blog about that she is canceling all her future concerts and that she will be back on stage before long.

April 15: Tabitha mentions that Alison had a meltdown. Alison has some meltdown in the city and Topaz comes to the rescue. Rachel announces that she is back from the dead and that David is there too, also pleading about a much needed haircut after a disaster by Angelo. Kevin goes to the medlab for a medical exam and is cleared by Jean. Matt posts about how conversations at work is about regulating fiber intake. MA leaves a small sunlamp, wine bottles with herbs and other magical type plants already planted, with a hand-lettered card stating she is the worst roommate and happy belated to birthday to Amanda. Warren texts Felicia asking her to tell him she loved him or something of equally unbelievable. X-Factor Casefile: The Sting Warren, Lorna and Sue draw out the bad guys and almost pin Lorna as a mutant, but thanks to Sue the results are negative. Wade texts Doug with one word: polyamory. MA texts Wade asking if he just asked Doug as she heard a loud squeak in the server room. Amanda texts Marie-Ange thanking her for the gift and when did she get so old. Bobby posts about hockey and that Islanders were robbed of the scoring title. Adrienne leaves a birthday card and a knitted afghan for Amanda.

April 16: Rogue and Kurt talk about Logan and Jubilee and Kurt reveals his plans about Jubilee. Gabriel texts Wade about Clint.

April 17: Matt and Tandy meet for the first time and Wade makes an awkward appearance. Miles posts about his enthusiasm about the new Star Wars trailer. Tandy posts about going home for a few days and asks if anyone would like to join her. Clint runs into Rachel and they have a nice chat. Matt meets Quentin on the roof, self proclaimed radical and reluctantly corporate suit don’t get along. Matt texts Clint about having a massive case of the munchies. Jean emails Scott and Angelo about leaving for a few days due to a situation in Ireland. Alison Blaire arrives at the mansion and Wade is the one that meets her at the door. Wade texts Marie-Ange about the meeting with Alison. Tandy discovers Julian unpacking from a trip he is no longer taken, their relationship changes. Bobbi and Adrienne go to the gun range and then work on a stakeout together.

April 18: Matt and Clint are sparring in the gym when Miles comes in and Clint and Miles meet. Gabriel texts Miles with the fuck? Tandy texts Adrienne and Julian that she is almost to her family house in Ohio.

April 19: Laurie posts about something that makes her happy. Laurie texts Doug asking him to take her to his next Hellfire Club Event. Laurie text Wade about her options of the gun she wants and asks if she could come over and they can look over it. Felicia posts on instagram the fruits of her labor. Hope posts about her week in Switzerland, about her French and other classes she has to take.


21st Century Digital Boy

X-Factor Case File: The Sting

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April 2015