Angels Clinic

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Angels Clinic
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The Angels Clinic is a non-profit free clinic in Manhattan's Lower East Side. Serving primarily low-income and the homeless of lower Manhattan, the clinic is open to mutants and other minority populations.


  • Maria-Luisa Olivia Gomez-Rodriguez, R.N. - "Mama Maria" is a registered nurse and the driving force behind the clinic. She and her husband can be found there every day of the week and several nights as well. Aside from providing medical care, Maria insisted a small kitchenette be added to the clinic several years ago and now provides meals for clinic staff and patients.
  • Roberto Diego Alanzo Rodriguez - Diego Rodriguez is an accountant and devout Catholic who finds the committment to serving his community and neighbors far more rewarding than crunching numbers. He keeps the clinic afloat financially, organizes most fund-raising and donation drives, and usually spends March and April locked in a small room at the clinic, helping out clients with their taxes.
  • Roberto Alejandro Salvadore Rodriguez - Bobby is the oldest Rodriguez child, and whie he still takes on occasional cases with the public defenders office, he spends the majority of his time working full-time at the clinic or being wrapped around the fingers of his little girl, Lissy.
  • Dr. Anarosa Bennita Espinosa-Rodriguez - After marrying Bobby, Rosa began devoting much of her free time to work at the clinic, but still works at the Bellevue Hospital Emergency Room. She gave birth to a little girl, Annalisse, right after 9/11.
  • Margarita Lupe Consuela Rodriguez, R.N. - Rita is the oldest daughter in the family and teaches 2nd grade at nearby P.S. 142, Amalia Castro School. She coordinates the daycare and children's programs at the clinic. She also is dating My Phan, a colleague of Leo's from Salem Center Counseling Services.
  • Marabela Lola Janice Rodriguez-Jordan, R.N. - Older by ten minutes than her twin, Bella followed in her mother's footsteps and works full-time at the clinic as a nurse. She is married to Hakeem Jordan, who teaches history at Marte Valle Secondary school, and gave birth to twin girls Mariposa & Marcelina in 2005.
  • Magdalena Lucita Paulita Rodriguez-Hitomi - Lena is Bella's younger twin sister, and also a nurse at the clinic. She is married to Hitomi Tashiro, a local dentist, and gave birth to twin boys Ramon & Raphael just after her sister in 2005.
  • Ricardo Timeteo Orlando Rodriguez - Timmy is the youngest Rodriguez child and the only one who doesn't volunteer heavily at the clinic, probably because being a student at Columbia Engineering School takes up most of his time. He's currently dating Indrani Jindal, a Columbia social work grad student interning at Salem Counseling Services.
  • Salem Center Counseling Services - First connected to the clinic when Rita began dating My Phan, now all the staff at SCCS spend a portion of their time volunteering at the clinic.
  • Dr. Nina Santos - Born in Brazil, Nina is an OB/GYN who works at SoHo Obstetrics and Gynecology and volunteers frequently at the clinic. She is dating Samantha Gregory, Leo's sister, and lived with Sam & Leo during the five years Leo was completing his residencies. She and Sam now live in Greenwich Village.
  • Other - The Angels Clinic draws on the help of volunteers and professionals from all over Manhattan.


Angels was founded by Maria-Luisa and Roberto Diego Rodriguez who often found themselves providing shelter or support for various members in the community. As a nurse, 'Mama Maria' often helped out those in their neighborhood who lacked medical insurance. When their oldest son Bobby married Rosa Espinosa, a doctor at Bellevue, they began envisioning their hobby as a full-time job. Bobby, a public defender, began putting together the idea of a free clinic, and several years later, the Angels Clinic opened in a former warehouse on Clinton Street. The younger Rodriguez children joined into the family business, and recruited other professionals and volunteers from all over Manhattan.

The Angels Clinic remained open during the Apocalypse crisis and was a shelter for mutants and humans alike. It was fortunate to only experience relatively minor damage, but depleted nearly all of its supplies.




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