Sean Cassidy - Phase 1

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Character Journal: x_cassidy

Real Name: Sean Cassidy

Codename: Banshee


First Appearance:

Date of Birth: 17th March, 1950

Place of Birth: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Citizenship: British, Irish

Relatives: Theresa Cassidy (daughter) "Black" Tom Cassidy (cousin), Maeve Rourke Cassidy (wife - deceased)

Education: Degree in History from Trinity College, Dublin

Relationship Status: Widower.

Occupation: Former head of anti-terrorism operation for Interpol, retired early 2004.

Team Affiliation: X-Men



Living At The X-Mansion

Further Information

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8"

Weight: about 13 stone

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Red, greying slightly.

Other Features: None.


Sonic talent - can project sounds of various frequencies, which he can focus to the extent that they only affect one person, or allow to be heard over a wide area. The sounds can be of such volume and frequency that they can also have a concussive effect. Futher users: can use the sound he generates to fly, and has also learned over the years to inculde frequencies outside thwe range of normal human hearing in his normal speaking voice such that it can have a mild hypnotic effect. Sean cannot speak while flying, or indulging in the more agressive uses of his power.




Links only. No descriptions.


Player: Alasdair Watson

E-mail: firstname at firstname dot biz (I don't write my email address clearer than this in any system that others can see, so I apologise for the inconvenience, but please do not edit this to make it any clearer.)


Player Icon Base: David Morse.

Meta Trivia