Megan Gwynn

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This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Megan Gwynn (disambiguation).

Megan Gwynn
Pixie 004.jpg
Portrayed by Evanna Lynch
Codename: Pixie
Affiliations: None
Birthdate: March 1, 1994
Journal: x_welshpixie
Player: Marlena

Megan Gwynn is a winged mutant possessed of hallucinogenic dust powers, a fun, quirky personality, and a soul partially replaced with demon magic.


Character Journal: x_welshpixie

Real Name: Megan Gwynn

Codename: Pixie

Aliases: Pixie

First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: March 1, 1994

Place of Birth: Abergylid, Wales

Citizenship: Wales

Relatives: none

Education: High school diploma from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Relationship Status: single

Occupation: college student, part-time employee at eVolution

Team Affiliation: Generation X



Megan grew up with her mother and father in Abergylid, Wales. She learned both English and Welsh in school and developed an interest in world folklore and mythology.She received a decent education, even though her family never had a lot of money. Both of Megan's parents were older than the average couple when she was born (this is because they were actually her maternal grandparents). Megan was never very close to Dad, as he worked long and hard hours at the coal mine (and later the coal company office) in order to provide for her family. Mum was a teacher and a school librarian. Dad died of lung cancer when Megan was 11 years old. The cancer was caused by years of smoking and working in the coal mines. When Megan was 15, her mother died of a heart attack. Growing up with a happy childhood cut short by the deaths of her parents, Megan has a generally positive outlook on life but doesn’t believe in miracles. She always hopes for the best but expects the worst.


Megan's wings began to appear when she was an early teen. At first they were small stubs that couldn't be used for flight. Also she began to get small crops of pixie dust on her skin, but she would always just wash it off and it never seemed to do anything. She learned to wear baggy tops avoided touching people. Luckily Mum's eyesight was pretty bad, and Megan answered questions with typical teenage sass.

Megan's powers fully manifested when she was 15. While waiting for the train, she read a newspaper expose about her late father's coal mining company knowingly operating the mines in conditions that were unsafe for the workers. According to the article, they had falsified inspection reports for years.This led Megan to believe that her father had had not died simply of smoking-related causes but because of negligence on the company's part. Megan's family had never received compensation for her father's death--according to the expose, the company had directly covered up their actions so they wouldn't have to pay out to the families of the workers.

Megan became so angry that she triggered her mutancy the rest of the way. Dragonfly wings sprang fully from her back, and a thick coating of dust (like pollen) covered her skin. The dust was breathed in by dozens of people who were at the subway station where this event took place. Authorities seemed content with the explanation that there was a toxic chemical leak near the station that caused the victims to become disoriented and ill.

The event made big news in the UK, and although it wasn't widely heard of in the US, Prof. Xavier noted it and suspected that it may be linked to a mutant. By this point, Megan's mum - who was hospitalized from a stroke - died. When Prof. Xavier came to Abergylid, he found Megan living alone, with the water and power shut off to her home. He invited her to come to the school on a scholarship.

Living At The X-Mansion

At Xavier’s, Megan got her dust powers under control, learned to fly, and also made some friends. Always friendly, she lost any shyness and became a confident young adult.

Megan’s emotional stability took a hit when she was abducted by the demon Belasco and forced to become his protege. A part of her soul was taken and replaced with demon magic. This gave her a small ability to use magic (so far, a were-light spell). However, the magic feels to her like it has its own personality. It’s part of her, but alien (and so far has not interacted with her physical powers) and causes her a lot of stress as she learns to live with it. She began to adopt a more serious attitude, became more focused on her art in order to cope. Also, due to the encounter, a section of her pink hair was permanently turned black.

Gap Year

Shortly after the events of the Bloodstone Arc and beginning magic lessons with Amanda Sefton, Megan decided to take a gap year. She traveled in the USA and abroad for a year and then some before returning to the mansion.

Phase 2

Brave New World

Megan secured her old job back at eVolution, enrolled in art school to study fashion design and re-joined team Generation X. She attempted to reconnect with old peers, unaware of just how much pain some of them had been through.

Physical Characteristics





Other Features: (piercings, tattoos, scars, tails, horns, wings etc)


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Nate's psimitar, Angelo's Asgardian sword, Jamie's staff, Remy's bo, Amanda's amulet etc.


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Cain doesn't know much about music after 1970, but is a big fan of Alison Blaire.


Phase 2


Player: Marlena



Player Icon Base: (provide html link to IMDB, Wiki etc page)

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.