Template:Featured Articles/34-2016

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Moment of Awesome - Clea Lake: Locked in a closet for 'seven minutes of heaven' during a party, Clea and Stephen work out some things.

Her eyes were starting to adjust so she was able to see Steve better, even if she was on top of him. Without another hesitation Clea lowered her head and kissed him. Was it strange to kiss her best friend? She had thought about it often but to actually be in that moment - it was nerve-wracking. And just as quickly as she kissed him Clea pulled away.

"I...ah...you...wha??" Stephen's mouth opened and closed as he stared at Clea in astonishment. Had she just kissed him, no, no she couldn't have right it was Clea who was a cheerleader and awesome and wouldn't be interested in him. He must have hit his head falling down and this was all a hallucination, the teenager pinched his leg, "Oww...wait this isn't a dream?"

"Aw, you have dreams about me? I hope they are good ones." Clea smiled, "Not a dream. Unless you know a dream spell. Do you know a dream spell Stevie?"

"I'm starting to think I might," Stephen noted dryly, "there isn't really any other explanation I can think of for why you;d be lying on top of me like this and kissing me. Gotta be a dream, like the others, I mean," Stephen tried to look down but given their position that just left him staring at more of Clea and he quickly turned his head back to looking her in the face, "in my defense they were pretty awesome dreams."

"Well - you aren't dreaming." She reached to pinch him on the arm. "See no dream." Clea started to move to stand back up. "Not everyday you kiss a boy and he thinks he is dreaming." Stephen's arms reflexively slipped down to Clea's waist, arresting her motion, "Well only because you're that good that he could only imagine it in his dreams," he pointed out with a grin. Clea rolled her eyes in jest, "Dreams come to an end, but reality doesn't. I've loved you since we were kids and I just kissed you. So what are you going to do--"

Stephen leaned forward, cutting her off mid sentence with a kiss of his own. Just as quickly as he had started the kiss he pulled back and grinned at Clea, "I don't know, this dream doesn't really seem like it's gonna end any time soon."

"You are such a tease Steve." Clea smirked, "And I think our seven minutes are just about up. For the record, I would had never had the courage to kiss you if we weren't shoved in a closet in the midst of a party."

Stephen tilted his head to glare at the door for a second, "You know, we are magic, I bet we could hex that door so they couldn't get it open," he noted with a grin, "And to be honest I've wanted to do that for years, well not get locked in a closet but you know, everything else, but I didn't think you felt that way."