Template:Featured Articles/27-2020

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MoA Darcy.png
Moment of Awesome - Darcy Lewis: Attending a science conference with Reed Richards, Darcy acts as the voice of reason] as Reed, Jane Foster and Dr. Paul Duval examine a mysterious sealed box.

By this point, Reed could hardly contain his excitement. Any new and exciting discovery, especially one that he was sure could be solved with science, was exactly what he wanted to be doing with his time. Naturally cautious (okay, not naturally -- more like a learned behaviour at this point), Reed stared at the Hammer in its box without really moving. He put his hand under his chin and squinted. Scratched his cheek. Looked some more. Shifted in his feet. Sighed. Went back to looking.

"I want to take it apart." He nodded to himself. "Yes. Let's take it apart."

"Is it singing or talking to you, making weird smells, or otherwise doing something a hammer shouldn't be able to do? Because if so, I'm going to tackle you and knock you the hell out to prevent you touching it and getting whammied." Darcy replied sternly. "And you're wearing thick gloves, non-negotiable." She wasn't sure the gloves would actually prevent getting whammied by a magic hammer, but she wasn't sure she could actually stop Reed from examining the thing, either. Might as well take some sort of precaution.

Paul snorted, amused. "A singing hammer? This isn't a Disney film, Ms. Lewis. And I can assure you, nothing untoward has happened while the object has been here." He looked to Reed. "I agree - it would be much easier to study it once it is out of this protective casing. And since we cannot lift it, we shall have to remove the box from around it, non?"

"This would be easier with my equipment, but I can probably cobble something together to measure any frequencies it's giving off," Jane interjected. "Gloves?" She held a hand out expectantly.

Reed searched the table and handed over the requested items. He wasn't about to quibble anything about how it wasn't his place, or whatever. He was too into the hammer, wanting to know more about it. It was almost intoxicating. His practiced eyes scanned the object, trying to think of all the ways this could go wrong, but if it was going to go wrong, it would. And probably spectacularly.


There was nothing stopping him from wanting to go forward.

"Really not here for bad shit happening because we didn't take basic precautions dude," Darcy bit out curtly. "Singing hammers were less Disney, more nightmare on Grimm Street."