Template:Featured Articles/50-2022

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MOA Longshot.png
Moment of Awesome - Arthur Centino/Longshot: When a night at a fight club event turns into fleeing the cops, Arthur reveals his real skills as a getaway driver.

"One-twenty? Kyle, my man, you should have led with that." Arthur's face, illuminated by the boring dash, broke into a fierce grin. It was a delicate balance managing the plasticy ergonomics of a Subaru, a horse not exactly designed for speed no matter what laid under the hood. The blonde man didn't let this fact stop him, however, as he hit the gas hard.

"Sarah. Can I call you Sarah?" This was almost casual as the man hit a turn sharply through a red light. Several other cars screeched behind them in protest in the wake of a suddenly upturned intersection. "I used to do this for a living."

His eyes were glowing now, face lit by his own lucky light, as he popped onto a curb to bypass some traffic piled up in front of them. By this point he had graduated from loosely following Sarah's directions to just shaking their tails.


Oddly, though, there were no sounds of squealing metal from collisions or car wrecks.

"Where are we going?"

"There's a garage on Austin. If we can get there, the staff will cover for us. But I need you to listen to my directions, there's neighborhoods over here we definitely don't--shit!" She yelped and put a hand up against the dash to steady herself as the car unexpectedly took a turn. "Turn left!"

Kyle grunted as the car went left and he had the combined weight of America Chavez and Gabriel Cohuelo slide into him. "I suddenly understand people who get car sick..." He groaned. "I want pancakes after this."

Gabriel snorted as he tried to slide toward the other side of the car. "You're supposed to stare at a spot at the horizon, which is easier to do when—" He braced himself on the car door as Arthur made an abrupt lane change. "Well, you know."

For his part, Arthur turned his head completely to focus all of his attention on Sarah. "I am listening to only you. Lay it on me."

Now, this was still paired with an extremely sympathetic smile, but the fact that his eyes were most certainly glowing full tilt certainly made it eerie. Or the fact that he was also, right now, accomplishing a perfect 360 degree slide into a multi-lane road across a full lane of traffic. With his eyes half-locked on Sarah and most definitely not on the road.

His smile never broke as they straightened out and the tension ebbed. "Tell me where to go and we're there."