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Jono’s happiness would come to an abrupt end when he was twenty-three with the manifestation of his mutant power. Jono had been on a date with Gayle where he’d planned on asking her to move in with him. Halfway through the date, Jono began experiencing chest pains and assumed it was heartburn from the curry he’d had at dinner. While walking home he felt ill, and Gayle came closer to help support him for the last few blocks. The feeling in his chest then exploded outward in a burst of flame which struck Gayle, causing third degree burns to much of her body. The explosion blew a hole in Jono’s chest and lower face, and completely incinerated many of his internal organs. He was unsure of how he was still standing, and unsure of what had just happened, only that he was surrounded by flames. He was unable to help Gayle without hurting her further, and sought medical attention which did not go well for him as a perpetually on-fire mutant in a post M-Day world. Jono would try to manage his mutation by creating long strips of cloth from welding blankets and wrapping those around the gaping hole in his body, hoping to prevent his powers from hurting anyone else. Jono discovered quickly that he could no longer speak, and three-months after the incident, fearing a confrontation with Gayle, he wrote her a letter to break things off rather than see her face-to-face. She responded only with a threat to press charges and file a restraining order against him if he ever contacted her again.‎<br />
Jono’s happiness would come to an abrupt end when he was twenty-three with the manifestation of his mutant power. Jono had been on a date with Gayle where he’d planned on asking her to move in with him. Halfway through the date, Jono began experiencing chest pains and assumed it was heartburn from the curry he’d had at dinner. While walking home he felt ill, and Gayle came closer to help support him for the last few blocks. The feeling in his chest then exploded outward in a burst of flame which struck Gayle, causing third degree burns to much of her body. The explosion blew a hole in Jono’s chest and lower face, and completely incinerated many of his internal organs. He was unsure of how he was still standing, and unsure of what had just happened, only that he was surrounded by flames. He was unable to help Gayle without hurting her further, and sought medical attention which did not go well for him as a perpetually on-fire mutant in a post M-Day world. Jono would try to manage his mutation by creating long strips of cloth from welding blankets and wrapping those around the gaping hole in his body, hoping to prevent his powers from hurting anyone else. Jono discovered quickly that he could no longer speak, and three-months after the incident, fearing a confrontation with Gayle, he wrote her a letter to break things off rather than see her face-to-face. She responded only with a threat to press charges and file a restraining order against him if he ever contacted her again.‎<br />
Jono lost his job at the bookstore due to his manifestation and was no longer able to perform with his band, having lost his ability to speak or sing and being too depressed to play his guitar. Jono's parents were concerned but wholly unprepared to help their son through this major trauma and his new normal, and began to pull back from their self-isolating child. Jono's bandmates were happy to put him up at first, being worried about their friend- but they had their limits after nearly a year of couch-surfing, and six months of staying on the drummer's couch, they had reached an impasse. Jono's friends began looking for a new, preferably mutant, support system for their friend. Jono was contacted by the Xavier Institute and promised safe transportation with other mutants who could help him contain his psionic powers. He accepted the offer and moved continents, leaving his old life and happiness behind to face his new reality.
Jono lost his job at the bookstore due to his manifestation and was no longer able to perform with his band, having lost his ability to speak or sing and being too depressed to play his guitar. Jono's parents were concerned but wholly unprepared to help their son through this major trauma and his new normal, and began to pull back from their self-isolating child. Jono's bandmates were happy to put him up at first, being worried about their friend- but they had their limits after nearly a year of couch-surfing, and six months of staying on the drummer's couch, they had reached an impasse. Jono's friends began looking for a new, preferably mutant, support system for their friend. Jono was contacted by the Xavier Institute and promised safe transportation with other mutants who could help him contain his psionic powers. He accepted the offer and moved continents, leaving his old life and happiness behind to face his new reality.
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Revision as of 21:37, 9 December 2023

This page is about the Phase 2 incarnation of the character. For other uses, see Jonathan Starsmore (disambiguation).


Portrayed by (link to IMDB/Wiki/etc page)


Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: xp_chambers

Real Name: Jonothan "Jono" Starsmore

Codename: Chamber

Aliases: n/a

First Appearance: not yet introduced

Date of Birth: May 5, 1999

Place of Birth: Birmingham, England

Citizenship: British

Relatives: Jennifer Starsmore (Mother), William Starsmore (Father)

Education: Secondary Education/ GCSE

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Currently unemployed; formerly a bookstore clerk, formerly frontman of a band

Team Affiliation: n/a



Jono was raised by working-class parents in Birmingham. His parents worked long hours and were not often home, leaving Jono to entertain himself or be left in the care of the neighborhood. As a young boy, an older neighbor introduced him to punk and grunge music, and Jono quickly decided that he wanted to be a rock musician when he grew up. His parents made sure he understood that he should have a back-up plan, but saved for months to buy him an electric guitar for his tenth birthday. His childhood was largely uneventful, he did well in school, started expressing himself through fashion, and continued learning to play guitar, forming his band The Guiltless Covenant, when he was fourteen. Jono was the frontman and songwriter for the group. They largely pursued grunge and punk music, and got gigs in local pubs. ‎
Jono was fifteen when M-Day happened, Jono was exposed to a variety of opinions on the subject. Some of his classmates believed that mutants were being targeted, others that this was simply something that was bound to happen to mutants- while others yet were relieved that the “threat” had been eradicated. Jono tended to think mostly that it was overall pretty scary and was happy that he wasn’t directly affected.


After graduation, Jono elected not to pursue university, despite having the grades for it, choosing instead to make a living by playing with his band, and supplementing his income by working at a local bookstore. It was at this bookstore that Jono met his first serious girlfriend, Gayle Edgerton, a university student from a middle-class background who was not-so-subtlely using Jono’s more edgy and alternative lifestyle to aggravate her parents. Nevertheless, Jono was in love and found himself falling hard for Gayle. While struggling to make ends meet, Jono was happy- his band was growing in local popularity, he enjoyed his job at the bookstore, and he was quite happy with his girlfriend and was thinking about asking her to move in with him.

Manifestation of Powers and Arrival at the Mansion

Jono’s happiness would come to an abrupt end when he was twenty-three with the manifestation of his mutant power. Jono had been on a date with Gayle where he’d planned on asking her to move in with him. Halfway through the date, Jono began experiencing chest pains and assumed it was heartburn from the curry he’d had at dinner. While walking home he felt ill, and Gayle came closer to help support him for the last few blocks. The feeling in his chest then exploded outward in a burst of flame which struck Gayle, causing third degree burns to much of her body. The explosion blew a hole in Jono’s chest and lower face, and completely incinerated many of his internal organs. He was unsure of how he was still standing, and unsure of what had just happened, only that he was surrounded by flames. He was unable to help Gayle without hurting her further, and sought medical attention which did not go well for him as a perpetually on-fire mutant in a post M-Day world. Jono would try to manage his mutation by creating long strips of cloth from welding blankets and wrapping those around the gaping hole in his body, hoping to prevent his powers from hurting anyone else. Jono discovered quickly that he could no longer speak, and three-months after the incident, fearing a confrontation with Gayle, he wrote her a letter to break things off rather than see her face-to-face. She responded only with a threat to press charges and file a restraining order against him if he ever contacted her again.‎
Jono lost his job at the bookstore due to his manifestation and was no longer able to perform with his band, having lost his ability to speak or sing and being too depressed to play his guitar. Jono's parents were concerned but wholly unprepared to help their son through this major trauma and his new normal, and began to pull back from their self-isolating child. Jono's bandmates were happy to put him up at first, being worried about their friend- but they had their limits after nearly a year of couch-surfing, and six months of staying on the drummer's couch, they had reached an impasse. Jono's friends began looking for a new, preferably mutant, support system for their friend. Jono was contacted by the Xavier Institute and promised safe transportation with other mutants who could help him contain his psionic powers. He accepted the offer and moved continents, leaving his old life and happiness behind to face his new reality.

Physical Characteristics


General Build:



Other Features: (piercings, tattoos, scars, tails, horns, wings etc)


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Illyana's Soulsword, etc


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Who does and doesn't know about Haller's multiple personalities.

External Links

Links to the tags for each character in xp_communication, xp_logs and xp_journal.

[html link xp_communication posts]

[html link xp_journal posts]

[html link xp_logs posts]






Player Icon Base: (provide html link to IMDB, Wiki etc page)

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.