August 2013

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Revision as of 12:31, 5 August 2013 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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July 2013 *** September 2013
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Aug. 1 - Wade posts about winning a thing. Lorna posts to the team comm updating everyone on what has been going on with her.

Aug. 2 -

Aug. 3 - Age of Apocalypse - Rachel finally finds Xorn, though the conversation doesn't go exactly as she expected; Haller, Remy, Molly, Sam, Wanda, and Angelo are chosen to follow Rachel back to her world, and are psionically ripped from their minds, at which time the memories of what happened there are shoved into their minds; in the past, some of Xavier's students betray the school, and those who survive the invasion are forced to abandon the mansion; Billy and an addled Amanda track Topaz down in England, and recruit her to be a spy for their side; Adrienne invades the rebel "school" to capture Emma and blow up the camp, only to be caught Tandy, whom she kills; the reunion between the Frost sisters is far from friendly; Molly and Wade, a mercenary duo, find Charles Xavier's body in the mansion, along with his murderer, a feral Logan, and are aided in the fight by a mysterious, redheaded psi; Fred Dukes goes on a search for traitors, and comes across a feral Catseye; Matt, a street preacher, finds Sue and tries to spread the Word; Hope's brothel is invaded and taken over by Apocalypse's forces; at the West Coast Annex, Scott finds a traitor; Jen Walters finds Kyle, who has gone feral and was responsible for killing her cousin, Bruce Banner; Korvus faces off with the Yvette, who helped to betray the mansion; Frank and Angelo bond as they're dying and Betsy tries to save them; Jennie kills Tabitha; back in the present, Haller, Remy, Molly, Sam, Wanda, and Angelo land on a very different of version of Muir Island, where Essex is in charge, and Rachel tells them everything; following the briefing, Remy, Wanda, and Haller discuss what is happening; Angelo and Rachel have a needed and overdue discussion; the next morning, the team is force to abandon Muir as Apocalypse's forces invade; the group tries to get to Essex's old lab, but are held up by the arrival of Apocalypse's horsemen, and Essex and Rachel go ahead while the rest stay behind to hold the Horsemen off; Essex and Rachel make it to his lab, and Rachel is surprised by what is waiting for them; the Horsemen prepare for the fight; Angelo and Haller face off against Pestilence, and discover it is Doug Ramsey; Molly and Wanda fight Famine (Marius Laverne); Remy and Sam confront Death, Marie-Ange Colbert; as the battle continues, Doug asks for death, and Haller attempts to separate his consciousness from Pestilence; Wanda ends the fight with Famine; Pestilence takes back control of Doug and flees; the Horsemen regroup to discuss their targets; the team fights to retreat and find Rachel and Essex; in the lab, Rachel discovers that Essex has been using her the entire time, and that "her world" doesn't exist; the team returns to their bodies in the real world, and only seconds have passed since they left; back on the astral plane, Rachel appears Xorn, and he offers her the choice to go back; down in the med lab, Molly receives a visit from Rachel, and they discuss what happened. Tabitha texts Lorna about her car. Angel's posts about Lorna running out of the suite and wondering what's going on. Rachel goes to see Angelo, and ends up having a breakdown on his couch.

Aug. 4 - Wade texts Molly to find out how she's doing. Topaz and Meggan have their first "lesson." Rachel reluctantly explains to Haller how she survived, and after a tense discussion they go destroy stuff.


Age of Apocalypse

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August 2013