Dayspring Family

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Dayspring Family
Portrayed by Various
Known Aliases: Saul and Esther Morrow; Aliya Sundell-Dayspring and Tyler Dayspring; Moira MacTaggart and Rachel Kinross
Affiliations: Nathan Dayspring
Socked By: Alicia
Introduction: August 3, 2005 (Rachel)

Despite his lack of memory concerning his own childhood and parents, Nathan went on to become a family man well before his time at the mansion. His first wife and son were killed when the family tried to flee Mistra. Ten years later, he married again and had a daughter, Rachel.


Parents: Saul Morrow (Nathan’s father, deceased), Esther Morrow (Nathan’s mother, deceased)

Partners: Aliya Sundell-Dayspring (first wife, deceased), Moira MacTaggart (second wife)

Children: Tyler Dayspring (son of Nathan and Aliya, deceased), Rachel Kinross (daughter of Nathan and Moira)

Other Relatives: Gideon Faraday (Nathan’s uncle, deceased), Billie (Moira’s uncle), Anna (Moira’s cousin)

First appearance: Rachel was born on August 3, 2005. Aliya and Tyler were deceased several years prior to the beginning of the game. See specific entries for other family members.


Esther Morrow

Nathan lost contact with his parents somewhere around the age of twelve, under mysterious circumstances obscured by his uncle Gideon's use of telepathy to alter his memories of his home in Alaska. Roughly two years later, he was inducted into the Mistra program.

Aliya Sundell-Dayspring

During his time as Mistra’s field leader, Nathan startled and dismayed both the directors of the program and some of his fellow operatives by falling in love with one of the telepathic instructors, Aliya Sundell. After some negotiating, however, they were given permission to marry, and shortly thereafter, Aliya gave birth to a son, Tyler.

Tyler Dayspring

Tyler was six when a disastrous mission to China broke Nathan’s conditioning. Returning to the US, Nathan pressured Aliya to flee Mistra with him, threatening to take Tyler and leave by himself if she didn’t accompany him. He left them in a hotel in San Francisco while he made arrangements to get out of the country, and Mistra, tipped off by a call from Gideon, sent a team to the hotel, killing both of them scant minutes before Nathan’s return. Feeling their deaths down his link with Aliya, Nathan was overcome by his grief and rage and spent most of the next six months hunting down and killing everyone involved in their deaths, from the surviving members of the team to the director who had ordered the operation.

He continued to grieve for his lost family over the next several years, his inability to move on preventing him from recognizing the nature of his developing relationship with Moira MacTaggart until his dysfunctional precognition brought him to the mansion for treatment. He and Moira admitted their feelings for each other, and Nathan made a trip to Aliya and Tyler’s graves - at a location revealed to him by Colin MacInnis, who had ensured they had received a proper burial – to say goodbye, shortly before he proposed to Moira.

Later that year, Moira discovered she was pregnant, quite unexpectedly. Rachel manifested both telekinetic and telepathic abilities in the womb, making it very clear that she would be a rather remarkable baby. Since her birth, all the relevant psis related to the mansion have had a hand in making sure her development is as problem-free as possible, although the Professor also installed a psychic circuit-breaker to prevent her from developing too quickly.

Rachel started to fly at the age of four months, has proven herself to be a terrifyingly apt mimic of anything she sees another psi do, and has a peculiar distaste for squirrels.


Rachel’s pre-birth telekinetic manifestation

Rachel’s pre-birth telepathic manifestion

X-Men Mission: Sangue Puro

Rachel’s birth

Rachel’s first flight (at four months)


Socked by: Alicia

PB: Natascha McElhone (Aliya), Julie Christie (Esther), Unknown (Rachel and Tyler)