May 2012

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Revision as of 23:57, 20 May 2012 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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April 2012 *** June 2012
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May 1 - Sarah V. wishes everyone a happy May 1. Doug wishes Terry happy Beltane. Angel takes trainee Sooraya on a tour of restricted areas of the sub-basement. Terry, Doug and Vance run into each other and have a few misunderstandings along the way. Kyle and Angel catch up over lunch and make travel plans.

May 2 - Nico looks for volunteers for a magical experiment. Lorna posts chimichanga’s and too much leftovers in the kitchen. Jean-Paul texts Bishop for help with a not quite case. Wade texts Sahah M. about swing dancing and jingling skirts. Vance shows up in the City to ask Terry to lunch.

May 3 - Wade congratulates Catseye and Meggan with their success in their hotwiring lessons. He also posts about having been challenged by Lorna to eat all leftovers. Angel asks Wade for a ride once he is done eating all those leftovers. Laurie tries to convince Kyle to play a game of laser tag with her.

May 4 - Lorna posts she admits defeat and that Wade did eat all the leftovers she presented him with. Artie and Maddie's usually boring homework session ends with expletives and storming out. Artie posts about wanting to know how you can stop people from thinking you are flirting with him. Maddie asks Wade to teach her martial arts. Wade warns Artie not to go conning tourists as he only gets one bailout every six months. Fred has a Danger Room session with Scott and succeeds in messing up the scenario.

May 5 - Amanda gives a heads-up she and Nico are going to be reinforcing the wards on the mansion. Angel texts Vance about him being hit with water balloons and him needing an umbrella. Things are awkward while Fred and Yvette work together to clear deadwood from the paths. Sharon and Lorna are in the Kitchen doing inventory and getting ready for the party tonight. Lorna has had too much to drink and gets a laking. Jean posts a link to a website with fake science. Doug emails Angelo to wish him happy Cinco de Mayo. Jean posts about why brooms are sweeping the medlab on their own. Angel posts about cheez on the roof.

May 6 - Laurie posts about a game of laser tag around the mansion and she got scolded by a broom for walking across the hallway. Clarice posts about her sememster having ended and having cleared out her wardrobe. Scott and Kyle meet up in the garage and talk class, Halloween costumes and thirteen year old's dreams. Wade gives compliments to Nico for her brooms and boombox tricks.

May 7 - Terry sends Doug a hand-wrapped journal, a bottle of whiskey and a set of whiskey glasses for his birthday. Terry posts on her journal saying she is going to start looking for an apartment of her own. Lorna texts Haller saying she will be coming around tonight with a gift basket of gifts (and food). Wade leaves Doug a "Bromantically involved" t-shirt and a fruit basket made out of watermelon. Angel posts to her journal saying she and her adviser have worked out a solution to her academic woes. A more-than-slightly inebriated Lorna and Jean give Haller a makeover for his birthday - and things turn awkward when Scott shows up. Doug posts to his journal saying birthdays are overrated, but he now has whiskey and a portrait of himself as a My Little Pony.

May 8 - Laurie posts this link on her journal, saying if she didn't have Pablo and could own it, she'd get one of these. Jubilee texts Doug apologizing for forgetting his birthday. Lorna posts to her journal saying mornings would be dull without coffee, and tells everyone there are blueberry, strawberry, peach and banana pancakes in the kitchen. Haller posts regrets in his journal for the slightly drunken conversation he and Doug had on Doug's (public) journal the night before.

May 9 - After seeing Marie-Ange's posts on Haller's journal, Doug texts Wade asking her if he knows the effects chocolate has Marie-Ange. Wade texts Lorna informing her she forgot about their Tuesday taco plans. Wade wakes up to find Marie-Ange sleep-taroting - and finds many ominous cards mixed into the deck. When Wade asks her about it later, the conversation turns to a discussion about choices they've made, and the X-Force. Angel's posts to her journal looking for a new suite to move into, and Lorna offers up her extra room. Nico posts to her journal saying her magic experiment failed. Matt posts in his journal pointing out that he has been at the mansion for over a year now - oh, and his birthday is tomorrow. Lorna posts in her journal saying there's a new treat in the kitchen - Nutella-filled muffins. Lorna shows Angel the suite, and Angel, excited, asks when she can move in. Wade e-mails Scott saying Matt's birthday is tomorrow, and asks if they're finished with "that project" they've been working on.

May 10 - Sarah V. posts a link on her journal about real life lightsabers, reminding everyone that her birthday is less than a month away. Lorna leaves two dozen cookies for Matt for his birthday. David leaves a voicemail for Betsy Braddock telling her happy birthday and he misses her. Matt posts in his journal letting everyone know that he drove a car (with a double break and Wade in the passenger's seat and no windshield so he could hear better, in a place where he could hit nothing), and that Lorna gave him cookies - he declares this his best birthday ever.

May 11 - Nico sends Lorna this, framed. Clarice posts in her journal saying she is getting her flashdance on. North visits Vanessa late at night and meets Adrienne under unusual circumstances.

May 12 - Laurie posts in her journal saying she got her MCAT score back. Kyle mistakes this for a cat, and Laurie tells Jean she got a 33.8 - enough to get into NYU for medical school, but not what Laurie wanted. Doug and Marie-Ange meet for a monthly reading on the various threats that X-Force faces. It ends...very unexpectedly. Fred and Kyle talk lawnmower engines, X-Men training and girls.

May 13 - Wade posts in his journal informing everyone that1) Canada has a 24/7 rotisserie chicken channel, 2) Sarah Morlocke is his favorite person to go skirt shopping with, and 3) he has puzzle guns. Madelyne texts Layla and Sarah V. letting them know it is time "to lock and load." Jean posts in her journal to let everyone know she'll be taking the next day (May 14) off. Doug e-mails Jean letting her know to he's around if she needs anything; she asks him to keep an eye on Scott while she's gone. Layla, Maddie, and Sarah V. smuggle a rooster into the boys' suite with a note around its neck reading, "My cock is bigger than yours." Kurt catches Jean as she's leaving to check on her.

May 14 - Kyle berates Sarah V., Maddie and Layla for the chicken prank, insisting they'll be cleaning up and Korvus actually gets a joke. Yvette wishes Dori a happy birthday. Wade texts Maddie to let her know he has new locks for her to work on her lock picking skills with. Doug announces the cancellation of CSI: Miami with a .gif. Sooraya warns people she'll be practicing her powers by navigating through the ventilation system.

May 15 - For Free Trade: News breaks of Genosha's mutate program and the country's apparent slavery of its mutants; Yvette reflects on the article and the response, which includes a planned protest. Angelo comes across Molly making flower hats and winds up with a flower crown of his own.

May 16 - Wade and Lorna still suck at Taco Tuesday. Wade emails Angelo to agree that Molly is cute and they'll let her do anything to them, including flower crowns.

May 17 - For Free Trade: Sarah V. suggests going to the protest against Genosha's mutate program; Adrienne talks to Charles about making the protest a class outing; Sooraya asks her fellow-students on x_students if they're going to the protest and Adrienne asks for chaperone help on x_staff; Garrison emails Adrienne to let her know there will be FBI presence there as well; Jean-Paul texts Jean to let her know he will be attending also and inviting her for dinner after.

May 18 - Wade texts Marie-Ange to let her know he's out of town for the day. Kyle posts about getting a substitute teaching day at a school in District X. For Free Trade: Layla gets a ride with Laurie to the protest; the Xavier's people go to the protest by bus and discuss what might be happen; the protest is in full swing when the Xavier group arrives, with far more people than they expected; a bomb goes off at the protest, causing the Xavier's people to cluster together against the panic; a second bomb goes off and the Xaverites vanish in a strange blue glow, unnoticed by anyone else; Kurt raises the alarm on x_team, Marie-Ange does the same on x_snowvalley, but no-one can get in touch with those who were at the rally; Wade texts Marie-Ange about what is happening at the protest and she tells him to come in; the kidnapped Xavierites find themselves in a concrete room, facing Thomas Moreau, brother to the Genoshan President, as well as Betsy Braddock, now a magistrate, naked and then powerless; Jean-Paul grabs Artie and escapes, while Sooraya turns to sand and escapes into the ventilation shafts; Charles posts to x_journal notifying everyone that he found the missing group in Genosha, before they disappeared; midnight in Genosha, the kidnapped mutants are left in cells to contemplate what has happened.

May 19 - For Free Trade: Wanda tells X-Force she is returning to New York to help with the search; Charles has a difficult meeting with the Genoshan Ambassador who hands him an ultimatum - stop interfering in Genoshan politics or never see the kidnapped mutants again; in the morning, the kidnapped mutants have another meeting with Ministry Thomas Moreau, before several of their number are selected for the mutate process; Yvette, Callie, Laurie, Sarah V. and Amara are made into mutates; Fred, Matt and Megan go through the process as well, but something goes wrong and they escape with their powers returned. The Unwritten Alliance: Charles posts an update about the Genosha's 'deal' and who has gone missing.

May 20 - The Unwritten Alliance: Kurt ponders showing the Genoshans who Magneto really is by contacting his mother. A number of people disagree with him, but understand his frustration and sentiment; Remy posts a reminder for people not to react blindly and get carried away by their anger; it would only play into the Genoshan's hands, and only get more people in trouble; the senior players from the X-Men, X-Factor and X-Force all sit down with Professor X and discuss the merits of action against Genosha; in the end, they all decide that they will need every hand on deck in order to free their people from Genosha, so they prepare to make plans to do so; Remy makes contact with those at Snow Valley and asks Sarah to come back to the mansion temporarily, and Doug to start working on communications; Jean makes a roll call request to all those not easily accessible at the Mansion, or whom have not already checked in after the wake of what happened at the protest.


For Free Trade

The Unwritten Alliance

External Links

May 2012