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Moa daredevil.png
Moment of Awesome - Matt Murdock/Daredevil: Following the Florida mission, Namor and Matt utterly fail at understanding each other.

"Hit me."

They were in the chapel, and what had happened in Florida was still fresh on everyone's minds. Namor stood, weaponless and resigned, with his arms out and chest wide open.

"We will allow you three hits."

Taking a long, audible breath in and sighing it out, Matt turned towards Namor, contemplating his words. "And will you learn anything from it?" he asked, rhetorically. "Because as much as I want to hit you, I'm not actually that stupid. And it won't accomplish anything. So I'll pass."

The quizzical look that passed over Namor's features was as much unimpressed as it was bored. "Matthew Murdock," he mused. "There are many ways to learn. I barely know who you are — a man called a devil without any horns. A man who dares to question my decisions openly without follow-through."

He sighed, crossing his arms. "I did not expect anything from you, but I am somehow disappointed."

"Without follow through?" Matt practically grunted, gritting his teeth. "Because I won't hit you? That's not lacking follow through, that's acknowledging that you're nearly invincible and I'm not super strong. How about this. I went to school for 8 years to learn the laws of our land and how to argue them in my favor. And I've spent more than 10 years practicing that in a variety of settings and I'm damn good at it. You being a king is meaningless without your kingdom. Your laws are antiquated and your kingdom missing. You're all pomp, no circumstance. Next time, let me do my job."