Forge - Phase 1

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Real Name: John Henry Forge

Aliases: none used

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 135 lbs

Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: brown

Birthdate: August 7, 1988

Occupation: College student, inventor

First appearance: October 29, 2004

Relatives: Richard Forge (father), Cheryl Anne Forge (mother), Nazé Red Dog ("uncle"), unnamed maternal grandparents


As a child, Forge was smaller than most of his peers and phenomenally intelligent. This made him the target of ridicule and abuse all through his grade school and early high school years. Believing his parents were ignoring the abuse (they were simply unaware of it), he decided to make a violent statement of rebellion by building an explosive device to set off during a school rally. The device went off prematurely in his locker, costing him his left hand and leg, but hurting no one else. After his rehabilitation and discovery of his mutant powers, he was brought to the school to learn to deal with his powers and develop social skills in a more nurturing environment. During his tenure at the school, Forge has become active in the HeliX political action group. Recently, Forge has published a biography of Magneto, which has met with mixed reviews.


Forge has a natural comprehension of mechanical concepts and engineering techniques. This allows him to invent any type of device he can imagine, provided he has an inkling of how it should work. He is also able to intuit the operation or status of machinery at a glance, such as telling whether a car's engine needs tuning up.

Forge also has a cybernetic left leg and left arm, both designed to mimic human form and function (more the latter than the former). At various times, he has installed devices into his cybernetics such as a medication delivery system, an electronic lockpick, and an infrared/RF remote control.

As a side effect of Forge's mutation, he does not have a normal sleep cycle. Instead, when his power is active, his brain interprets it as REM sleep. On the average, he sleeps about one-third as much as a normal human, usually every two or three days.

Significant game events:

As a result of the accident that cost him his hand and leg, Forge developed a bone devascularization disorder that spread throughout his left arm, making the bone brittle and fragile, eventually causing the fracture that required amputation of the limb before the disorder spread. After a horseriding accident, Forge's left arm is replaced completely with a mechanical prosthetic: [April 30, 2005]

Forge is kidnapped by Malice and held hostage by Magneto and the Brotherhood, who force him to create the Neutralizer: [October 3, 2005]After his rescue from Magneto, Forge is approached by Val Cooper who offered him a deal for complete immunity from any charges associated with the bomb he built that caused a great deal of property damage at his school. In exchange, Forge has already agreed to testify as a material witness if and when Magneto is ever brought to trial.


To date, the most steamy scene Forge has been involved in was when Jay kissed him.