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Revision as of 12:28, 11 July 2006 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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I like how this is setup a lot, as a basic character page - espically the links to notable NPC's, and events, and ESPICALLY the first apperance link, and the "Trivia" at the bottom. You could throw a link to the real wikipedia article of the disorder if you wanted as well. --Frito 13:33, 10 July 2006 (EDT)

Yeah, I'm liking this too. Especially as a base - doesn't require huge amounts of work to get _something_ up and it's guided so people don't sit there and go "urk" and not be able to know where to start. Splitting up the Biography and the significant game events slots in beautifully with what we've established for the month summaries. Basically you stick in the significant events, with plot names referenced so people can look them up in the Wiki, and it saves writing (and reading) a huge summary of what's gone on for the more trauma-attracting characters and hopefully nudges people towards reading the actual logs. The month summaries will reference the non-plot events (or if they don't and someone feels they should, they can edit that in. ;) )

And yep, the lack of a toolbar is a Mac thing - logged in at work and I can see it fine, dammit. Will check my preferences to make sure the cookies are enabled. --Rossi 14:44, 10 July 2006 (EDT)

Yep. It's very basic, it's very simple, and even if people can't finish it, hopefully they'll realize that starting one means someone else can jump in and add little details.

Reminds me, I think a category:Months is a good idea to keep the month summaries tidy. I need to make a wishlist of stuff we need that can't be setup JUST yet. --Frito 14:48, 10 July 2006 (EDT)

  • nods* I'm not sure how Dex planned it, but basically when he gets back he's devoting himself to working with you on getting 2004 up, so a category tag could be something to work out. --Rossi 16:21, 10 July 2006 (EDT)

Unfortunately, there isn't a wiki entry for bone devascularization disorder - I do have the article on it bookmarked at home, I think. --Nute 15:37, 10 July 2006 (EDT)

Matt, your idea of "trivia" is very odd - basically includes major plot points for your character. See edit for example. ;) --Rossi 10:18, 11 July 2006 (EDT)

  • Hey now! Forge has been in steamier scenes! They just all took place offscreen! Decency, you know. --Nute 11:21, 11 July 2006 (EDT)
  • grins* I'd forgotten the Mystique bit. But you get the idea, yes? ;) More 'pop-up video' and keep the important character stuff in the events section where it belongs.--Rossi 12:28, 11 July 2006 (EDT)