Template:Selected anniversaries/January 24

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January 24

2004: Moira discusses Marie-Ange's precognition with her. Marie and Bobby resolve their respective issues with John. Cain finds Jubilee hiding in the boathouse.

2005: Columbia memorial: Alison tells Nate about when she outed herself as a mutant; Amanda gives her speech; there's a run-in with Tommy's FoH gang; Forge has an encounter with bigotry; Cain gives Nathan the tough love talk. Scott and Hank butt heads over Madelyn's status off the team and Hank and Madelyn talk about the same thing. The Pack arrive at Muir Island to upgrade security.

2006: Sam and Terry run into each other as Sam comes in from flying, and they talk about a variety of topics. Jay decides he owes Marius an apology for what he said, but Marius upsets him all over again. Nathan writes a long post about GW and about the work the Pack have been doing. Terry asks Sean for permission to join the team and for help with her powers training.

2007: Mondo shows Yvette pictures from home and they discuss homesickness. Minitooth: Crystal emails Marie with her concern about Kyle.

2008: X-Men Mission: Opera Redux: The team (and Sabra) arrive at the nuclear facility and retrieve the mutant, but something goes wrong and Blink is exposed to radiation trying to prevent an explosion; Team 1 gets out with the mutant, with Juggernaut staying behind to cover Team 2's escape, but their escape helicopter is blown up and they have to flee on foot; Sunfire, Dominion and Juggernaut pause to regroup and decide on a course of action - head north to the border; Kurt reports on events, and protests erupt at the team being left behind; Charles emails Farouk to ask him to use his contacts to try and help the stranded team; Storm talks to Sunfire about the mission and how he's holding up; Dominion sits with Blink and reassures her that she isn't going to die. Jean-Phillipe meets Yvette, and the two get on. Amanda meets Agatha Harkness, and gets confused by a job offer.