Template:Selected anniversaries/April 3

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April 3

2004: Bobby and Nathan have a very bad day, courtesy of the FOH and the Askani respectively. X-Men Mission: Bombing At Disneyworld: The team investigates the bombing and finds enough evidence to link particular FOH members to it; the evidence is passed onto the police.

2005: Dani asks Hank to adopt her baby. Hellfire and Damnation: Alison informs Charles about Alphonso's death; Manuel finds out that his father has been killed, and believes that the de la Rocha line is ended; he discovers Amanda knew beforehand and tells her to leave; Alison finds Amanda about to run away and suggests she and Kurt go to the Szardos Clan for a while; Jean and Manuel talk in the the Box after Manuel has a breakdown about his father's death.

2007: Jennie is bored. John rejoins the school and visits Marie to renew their friendship; John posts to the journals about his return, and starts something of a commotion; Forge emails Marie-Ange and Amanda about the prodigal. Terry offers Bobby's bongos free to a good home. Five Against One: Haller invites all those with a history of being possessed to "Possession Night" at Harry's. Our Hell: Terry invites an obviously-tired Illyana to be in her wedding party.

2008: Amanda is under the weather after Pete's buying of rounds at the pub the night before. Mandelbrot Bound: Garrison has an odd murder case that he asks Wanda and Sofia for advice on and it's revealed chaos math is involved; Wanda and Garrison visit the latest crime scene and are ambushed by the killer. Amanda suggests clubbing together money and music for a new iPod for Mark and Doug goes to Forge for some 'modifications'. Laurie claims the TV room for a Press Gang marathon. Jay and Amanda have coffee and discuss what happened to Mark.