Template:Selected anniversaries/January 10

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January 10, 2006 - Death of GW Bridge

2004: Alison emails Pete and discusses the need to keep Miles' powers a secret. Jake is made student counsellor. Moira emails Charles about Marie-Ange's precognition and Manuel's therapy.

2005: Nathan and Marie-Ange have chocolate-induced precognitive episodes. Nathan and the Askani decide to stop the language and culture classes to see how things have sunk in. Catseye is unhappy about having to go to classes in human form.

2006: Trinity: Nathan and Cain head into the city to meet Bridge for lunch; Gideon Faraday gets to the restaurant a few minutes before them, makes small talk until Nathan gets within synching range, and then uses Nathan's telekinesis to kill Bridge; Nathan and Cain bring his body back to the mansion, and then Nathan has to tell Moira the news; later, Nathan finds Alison in the Situation Room, keeping watch for any disturbance in Tunis, and they talk about Bridge and the Pack; Cain announces Bridge's death to the team.

2007: Nathan posts to the journals about GW. Laurie raises the possibility of making a school newspaper. Kyle smells Alex on Shiro and freaks the other boy out with telling him he knows about their relationship; Shiro tells Alex that Kyle knows and Alex calms him down. Marie invites Sam to go with her to the city to see Wicked. X-Men Mission: Phalanx: Scott informs the team that the Greek soldiers from Youra will make a full recovery.

2008: Jennie leaves Marius a rather odd present and he is confused. Operation: Shaboom: Remy realises he, Wanda and Marie-Ange are the only ones left, and gives Marie-Ange their last angle; checking on Wanda, Remy and she both slip; Marie-Ange discovers the cause of the phenomenon is an old man with reality-warping abilities dying of cancer, and smothers him to bring back reality. Blessed Are The Peacemakers: Scott tells Ororo they have an invitation from Prime Minister Barath to visit Hungary to advise on a potential mutant team; Forge is invited too. Sir Edmund Hillary dies, and Nathan marks the loss. Terry meets Jack and finds him trying to be personable.

2009: Inez brings Garrison food and finds out he's leaving. Marie emails Garrison about having a talk when he's ready. Mark visits Jay and nearly has his head cut off before Jay holds himself back; Mark and Amanda talk and ground themselves again. Morgan stops by to keep Sam company and things get cute.

2010: Laurie asks if anyone wants to help her make muffins. Fred sneaks up on an over-caffeinated Dori and she gives him a boisterous welcome.