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Donald blake.jpg
Dates run: September 1-27, 2012
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: Sonatorrek

Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


Garrison Kane, Marie-Ange Colbert, Amanda Sefton, Jubilation Lee, Callisto, Angelo Espinosa, Paige Guthrie, Wanda Maximoff, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, David Haller, Adrienne Frost

Abigail Brand, Fred Duncan, Charles Xavier, Jane Foster, Chief of Police Arnie Snorinsen, Deke Blake, The Valhallas, The Sons of Hel, Don Blake, Sylvie Lushton, Amy Lushton, The Valkyries


September 1-27, 2012

Plot Summary

Part 1 - Reginsmál

She woke to find

her joy had fled,

In the blood of the friend

of Freyr she lay.

Reports have reached the FBI through an informant of a potential mutant gang war heating up between two rival biker gangs in Minnesota. One of the gangs, the Valhallas, have been seen with a member who can apparently shrug off bullets and possesses superstrength. Apparently, to counter this, the rival group 'Sons of Hel' have upped the ante and there's the possibility of serious violence breaking out. Duncan wants Kane and Brand to investigate the gang and determine if this kid is a mutant, how best to get him out of there long enough to settle down the gang violence. The pair fly into Aitkin, Minnesota, and are met by the local chief Arnie Snorinsen.

Arnie explains that the Valhallas have been in Aitkins since the sixties; they are a biker group and have been involved in illegal activities, but mainly small stuff that has been worth turning a blind eye to in order to keep things peaceful. The town is only 3000 in the winter, about double that in the summer as seasonal workers stream in for timber camps, lake resorts and fishing/hunting tours. The Sons of Hel are more hard-core, involved in smuggling heavier narcotics and involved in the gun trade. The ATF has been after them for years, but they've managed to stay outside of major charges. There was a peace long established that kept Aitkin and the surrounding areas Valhalla territory, but that's been broken, and now the fight between the two gangs is escalating and threatens to spill over into innocents.

Responding to Kane's feeling as if something is off in the town, he explains that Aitkin's is experiencing their worst summer season for tourists in years, and that it is showing signs of being 'wintersick', a term used for isolated communities during bad winters, where the constant proximity of the same few people causes increases in domestic violence, assaults, etc. He thinks it has to do with stress regarding the possible gang war.

They speak with the Valhallas via their chapter leader Deke Blake. Deke was a decorated Vietnam vet, who lost an eye in an ambush near Hue. His father was one of the original founders of the club in the fifties, bringing together his army buddies from the Second World War. Deke married late, in his late forties, and his son Donald was born in 1991. His wife died in a car accident several years later, leaving Deke to raise his son. He's naturally suspicious of cops in general, especially since he thinks they've come to try to lock his son up in a mental institution. He reveals that Donald believes that he is Thor - the real, mythical Thor of legend, and that the new leader of the Sons of Hel is Loki. To regain his full godhood, he must defeat Loki's evil. They get only a brief chance to talk to Donald, and slightly longer with his girlfriend - Sylvie Lushton.

Lushton is the owner of Harga's Titty City - a strip bar just outside of town limits - and a porn production studio in the back of it called Lush Productions. Lushton, under her alias Lexxie Lush, was a major porn star in the last decade, rumoured to have starred in her first movies at the age of fifteen (which residents will confirm), She ran away from Aitkin at 14, and eight years later returned, having made enough money to easily buy the old strip bar her mother used to work at and retrofitting it to hold a production studio in back. Most of her business involves private webcam shows, or streamed new videos. The Valhallas invested some money in her venture, to help put her over the top, and the girls have a close relationship with the bikers.

Luston admits that Donald thinks he's Thor, something that has happened in the last year since they started dating. She inadvertently lets slip while sparring jealously with Brand about him that he had an STD screen with her a few months ago at the local hospital so he could do some work with her in the studio. Kane cuts the encounter short, as they head out. Intercepted by Arnie, he asks Kane to accompany him while Brand goes to get the blood sample.

Arnie takes Kane out to the site of a local party/rave, to show him something. A woman reported being attacked by two young men attempting to rape her at a local gas station close to the site of the party. They got away and the woman was unharmed, but Arnie can't remember the last time there was a random attack like that. In the clearing, a goat has been ritually disembowelled and burned, still strung up to the alter. They find an MP3 player dropped in the grass, without much to identify it, but filled with Nordic black metal. Kane follows Arnie back and does some research, noting an uptick in attacks and disappearances in the surrounding areas. More and more, he suspects that they made lead to a single person.

On his way back to the hotel, he stops to talk with the girl at the counter, the owner's 16 year old daughter Jane Foster. Going up to his room, he finds Brand waiting for him. The lab will take several days to process the blood and determine if Donald is a mutant. Arriving back at his room, he discovers a symbol has been scrawled in blood on the door – that of a ‘Blót’

Brand once again propositions Kane, but unlike every other time, Kane finds himself agreeing. He initially doesn’t understand why, but desire trumps his normal reluctance. While he’s initially angry with himself and a little ashamed, he finds himself agreeing the next night as well.

He continues his research, now certain that several of the missing girls fit a pattern of someone moving towards Aitkin. Convinced he has a ritual serial killer on his hands, he starts to dig deeper. But once the sample comes back negative, instead of helping him, Brand notifies Kane that she's off on the next flight back to DC on SHIELD's orders. No mutant means her involvement is done, and his attempts to keep her longer to help him investigate are brushed off. Left with a serial killer and a possible god on his hands, he doesn't see any other option and gets in touch with the mansion and former mansion residents.

Part 2 - Lokasenna

The foeman cleft

asunder fell,

Forward hands

and head did sink,

And legs and feet

did backward fall.

Kane makes a call to Marie-Ange, who quickly gets Amanda and Wanda involved. Amanda mentions the possibility that it could be Thor. Asgard exists and they had fought their gods on Earth before. Despite the fact that Donald Blake had been born and grown up in Aitkins, gods followed different rules. The only way to know was to get close to the bikers and look for information on Donald Blake. There is also the potential serial killer, and the signs point to Nordic cults, like those linked the Hel. Marie-Ange suggests that if there is a wider link to Asgard, then it should resonate with those who have been there before. The question is how to get into town and close to Blake without arousing suspicion.

Marie-Ange gets back to Kane regarding the biker angle, and suggests that some of them could come in as members of an allied gang looking to make a deal. Kane gets the Bureau to dig up the Secret Empire name, which has enough credibility to still pass, and an informant in Milwaukee who's willing to pass along a call about a deal for them to clear through. For the other, MA discovers that Lushton just recently posted an ad looking for new talent, making it easy for them to get jobs and close to the bikers that way. While some of them are less than happy about their cover as strippers and porn cam talent, MA brushes it aside, pointing out that as women and outsiders, they didn’t have a lot of other options.

A mixed team reaches the town, setting up secret meetings. They're to get as much information that they can about Thor and the Sons of Hel. The stories about their leader suggest he has abilities, and Kane believes that based on the Nordic supremacist nature of the Sons, that he might be tied in with the encroaching murders. Wanda takes the lead on that end, noting oddly that the background levels of chaos energy in the town feel like they should be much higher than they seem to be.

Meanwhile, posing as members of the Secret Empire, they are welcomed into the clubhouse itself by the Valhallas. Marie-Ange’s cover as their tattoo artist gets her access to Donald and some of the others to talk, while Amanda crafts a few special runes for her to ink on them.

They settle in for a period in their roles, slowly discovering that the unknown leader of the Sons is most certainly powered in some way, and that Donald doesn't have any tertiary history before 2000. Everyone remembers him as a kid, going to school, etc, and all of his official documentation is there. But they can't find him in a single class photo before 2000, sports team photo, trophy; any of the normal additional details of life that people leave behind. They quickly come to the conclusion that Donald Blake is a manifestation of Thor - maybe the true manifestation.

The Sons of Hel and their leader start to relinquish details finally as well, as during their off hours, Wanda, Jubilee and Paige discover a disturbing pattern of rising violence and sadism. Older members have put most of the blame on the new crew, and hint on the identity of their new leader as being linked to their past. None will confirm it, but three years prior, the son of the club founder disappeared and after the founder died, the remaining hierarchy met with the strange figure and made him their leader. Several brutal and lethal challenges cemented his position.

Meanwhile, Kane's investigations start to get progressively darker. A male college student has been found dead out in the woods, viciously sexually assaulted before runes cut into his body on the way to being gelded, disemboweled and left to die. A young wife is found dead, obviously raped and tortured, husband found shot and killed in the woods, more symbols tracing back to Nordic runes, confirmed by Amanda and the others as old magic. The further he goes in the investigation, the more brittle Kane starts to grow, and the more obsessed with finding and stopping the killer he grows.

Arnie notes how things keep getting worse around the town, visiting him regularly as well as Jane, having known her for years. The time creeps closer and closer to the possible showdown. A series of bizarre events punctuates the investigation, as many of Kane's friends encounter him at various points, sexually aggressive, and he finds himself hiding from the emotional distress he’s feeling with sex, discarding his normal self-control and ignoring elements that would normally stop him, including existing relationships. The combination of factors sends him into an emotional spiral downwards.

Part 3 - Þrymskviða

Much have I told thee,

and more would say

If fate more space

for speech had given;

My voice grows weak,

my wounds are swelling;

Truth I have said,

and so I die

Sep 12 - Sonatorrek: A meeting is arranged between the Valhallas and the Sons of Hel; Kane finally solves the mystery of his serial killer, only to discover that he'd already failed in every way possible; The meet turns out to be a trap, but unlike any they could have ever expected; Kane interrupts the fight between Loki and Thor, possibly at the cost of his life; The others get free of Amora's magic, and the Enchantress learns the dangers of trusting Loki; Paige finds herself conflicted over her friend, and steps in to save him the only way she knows how; The others take on the unleashed ice jotun, fighting for their lives; After Amora flees, they try and collect themselves only to discover a new threat.

Part 4 - Hyndluljóð

The sea, storm-driven,

seeks heaven itself;

O'er the earth it flows,

the air grows sterile;

Then follow the snows,

and the furious winds;

For the gods are doomed,

and the end is death.

Sep 13 - Sonatorrek: Jean e-mails the Professor about rescheduling her training session due to looking after Garrison and his injuries, and advises she’ll keep him updated; Jean makes an entry to x_team telling them Garrison was brought to the medlab and that he should make a full recovery after extensive surgery, and asks them to keep quiet about his condition until he’s made it through surgery just in case; Jean also e-mails Adrienne privately to pass along the same message she’d made to x_team, which Adri didn’t receive.

Sep 17 - Sonatorrek: Jean informs Xavier that although Garrison is physically healed he refuses to wake up, which he concludes is linked to the events in Aitkins.

Sep 18 - Sonatorrek: Amanda sends out an e-mail to inform the parties involved with the situation it Aitkins what exactly happened; Amanda then sounds out a second e-mail to Xavier, Jean and Wanda to inform them that Garrison was not already but instead the chaos magic he had absorbed was chewing him up on the inside.

Sep 20 - Sonatorrek: Jean informs those who had been with Garrison in Aitkins that they had purged the chaos magic, but Garrison’s mindscape was still shattered and they would still have to put it back together; Jean sends Adrienne an e-mail to keep her updated on Garrison’s situation; Adrienne stops by her sister’s office to ask Emma to help put Garrison’s mind back together.

Sep 22 - Sonatorrek: Emma e-mails the mansions psychics asking if they would accept her help in piecing Garrison back together.

Sep 27 - Sonatorrek:Jean, Emma and Jim work to restore Garrison’s mind; Kane wakes up and finds out he is being investigated for murder.

Sep 28 - Sonatorrek: Emma emails Adrienne about Kane's mind.

Related Links

Asgard (plot)


External Links


If the plot has vital links in other pages ( eg. x_team, personal journals), include these here.

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Dex

Links to comic/movie/etc influences on the plot (if any), or other OOC notes that are important to the plot. Eg: With Malice Aforethought is a reworking of two Marvel plotlines - Malice and Forge's Neutraliser.