October 2017

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Revision as of 17:24, 11 October 2017 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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September 2017 *** November 2017
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October 1 - Dark Dimension Homecoming Clea has a disturbing dream. She later posts about not watching horror movies before bedtime. Quentin and Gabriel have the talk and it goes about as well as expected. Felicia and Kevin meet up for a dinner and discuss work, life and everything in between. Miles posts about how excited he is to be able to stream Star Trek in his dorms.

October 2 - Lorna ruminates on the passage of time. Quentin and Amanda talk about his sacrifice and resurrection. Tandy emails Emma about Adrienne's finances and property.

October 3 - Dark Dimension Homecoming: Clea asks Stephen for his notes because she's having trouble sleeping; Xavin emails Clea about her restlessness.

October 4 - Dark Dimension Homecoming: Clea's nightmares intensify.

October 5 -

October 6 - Laurie contemplates modifying her prosthesis. Ty asks about Halloween plans. Dark Dimension Homecoming: Clea texts Steve about being tired. Happy Campers: Kitty, Scott, Logan and Rogue embark on a camping trip only to find a destroyed cabin.

October 7 - Happy Campers: Kitty and Rogue gossip about their love lives; Scott and Logan go fishing and find the cabin's vandals; at night, Logan and Rogue discuss their plans while Scott and Kitty do the same. Dark Dimension Homecoming: Clea's dreams result in physical injury; Topaz witnesses this and asks for aid; Amanda, Billy, Doug and Megan search for signs of the attacker while Jean helps Clea; Topaz and Clea are pulled into another dimension; Ty reacts to the disruption; Amanda, Megan, Billy, and Stephen investigate while in another dimension, Clea and Topaz explore the city of Clea's dreams and meet a man calling himself Orini, who they flee from.

October 8 - Dark Dimension Homecoming: Amanda gets a mysterious email promising more intel; Topaz and Clea try to find food and get rest; Amanda, Marie-Ange, Doug and Jubilee follow up on the tip and meet a man calling himself the Ancient One, who explains the involvement of Dormammu but won’t help save the girls; Amanda and the X-Force brigade take matters into their own hands and steal the key to the Dark Dimension; Darcy endeavors to protect the library in Topaz's absence; Amanda formulates a mission and recruits a rescue team that includes Miles, Jubilee, Arthur, Megan, Marie-Ange, Stephen, Artie, Logan, Sharon, Doug, and Jean; the team enters the Dark Dimension and meets danger; half the group are captured; the remaining mutants split into two teams, one to try to distract Dormammu and the other to free their friends; during their escape, the Ancient One and his followers and help the mutants keep Dormammu at bay; as the mutants return to their dimension, the Ancient One and Dormammu square off; as the rest of the group recovers, the Ancient One and Stephen then have a private conversation; Hope checks in on Topaz; Doug updates everyone on what turned out to be a packed two days.


Dark Dimension Homecoming

Green-Eyed Monster

Happy Campers

External Links

October 2017