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Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing
Portrayed by Marvel's Avengers video game
Known Aliases: M.O.D.O.K.
Affiliations: A.I.M.
Socked By: Dex
Introduction: X-Men Mission: Agents of SHIELD

It's time to put down you dangerous freaks and genetic outliers. I am MODOK: Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing. I have one duty, and it starts with the elimination of you all!

Blurb - something sort summarising the character and their relationship with their protagonists.


Name: Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing

Aliases: M.O.D.O.K.

Affiliation: A.I.M.

First appearance: March 11, 2021

Family: Alvin Tarleton - deceased


George Tarleton was a technician for the criminal organization Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.), founded by his father Alvin. He was born in Bangor, Maine. The A.I.M. scientists used advanced mutagenics to alter young Tarleton and created the super-intelligent man-mind MODOC (an acronym for Mental Organism Designed Only for Computing) to aid the research and development of numerous weapon and scientific projects. MODOC, however, was twisted by the process, and killed his creators, included his father and took control of A.I.M. while renaming himself MODOK (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing). Like his father, MODOK is obsessed with human advancement and considers most superhumans to be an abomination. Despite his own genetically modified past and his vast array of psionic powers, he abhors any kind of genetically modified person, including mutants, especially have his recent run in with the X-Men.



X-Men Mission: Agents of SHIELD


PB: link to website for the PB

Socked by: Dex