October 2022

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September 2022 *** November 2022
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Oct 1 -

Oct 2 -

Oct 3 -

Oct 4 - Gabriel emails Marie-Ange to update her to provide his newest report. After reminding the mansionites about cultural appropriative Halloween costumes being wrong, Maya shares a swing video.

Oct 5 -

Oct 6 - Matt shares the news of a polyamorous relationships being considered in the same standing as a monogomous one in NY.

Oct 7 -

Oct 8 - Jean texts Terry asking if she's ready for her birthday outing. Jubilee shares a video for costume ideas.

Oct 9 - Molly shares the horrors of sour cream and onion candy canes with the mansion.

Oct 10 -

Oct 11 -

Oct 12 -

Oct 13 -

Oct 14 - Amanda leaves a Barbie on Marie-Ange's desk, altered into her likeness.

Oct 15 -

Oct 16 -

Oct 17: Marie-Ange posts about her new Barbie doll.

Oct 18:

Oct 19:

Oct 20 - Nica finds Alison's YouTube channel.

Oct 21 - Darcy posts about Taylor Swift's new album. Kevin and Felicia have a catch up session.

Oct 22 - Alani leaves a gift for Felicia. Town Called Malice: Garrison posts about a mission; the X-Men gather to go over the details before deploying; the greeting they receive upon arriving is unexpected, to say the least; Wildchild and Bevatron go on recon; Nica and Callisto patrol together; the team is ambushed; Garrison and Tandy find the ringleader - Laurie Collins; the fights end with casualties on both sides, including a very injured Jean, and the Marauders retreat; Kane gives Darcy a heads up about Laurie's involvement in the attack; Tandy expresses doubts about the way she handled the mission, and Kane assures her she did well; Kane posts the mission report. Darcy asks Doug to come over, and he finds her in a bad way. Amanda lets Marie-Ange know she's helping in the med lab. Arthur posts about DX Community trick or treating. Garrison runs Pyotr through a Danger Room scenario to school his restraint.

Oct 23: Maya posts a TikTok about nature. Gabe texts Felicia for drinks. Arthur texts Terry and Alex about trunk or treating.

Oct 24 - April gives Pyotr and shoulder and an ear during his insomnia following the mission. Nica reposts Arthur's Halloween event. Darcy posts a picture of her bandaged hand and advises against punching walls.

Oct 25 - Maya asks Kyle if he's okay. Kane asks Jean for a favor. Sooraya talks to Pyotr about his behaviour during the mission.

Oct 26 - Kane gets a full magical physical from Amanda. Illyana Rasputin contemplates her place in Limbo and continuing her search for the bloodstones.

Oct 27 - Darcy requests specialized training from Kevin in the aftermath of Malice's reveal. Amanda and Garrison meet with Brand in order to get her help to arrange an appointment to see the Ancient One. Kane emails Jean about a late celebration of her birthday.

Oct 28 - Kyle posts about a Battle Royale to work off the stress of the month. Garrison and Amanda get answers from the Ancient One; they're not great ones.

Oct 29 - The Battle Royale happens, and things are crazy. Nica emails Fourteen to make sure Celeste is okay.

Oct 30 - Topaz posts to let everyone know she's leaving for the week. Fourteen posts about her various woes. Kurt and Alani arrive early to set up for the community Halloween event.

Oct 31 - Nica wishes everyone a happy Halloween and asks what they’re doing. In District X in pursuit of her bloodstones, Illyana indulges in a treat, glimpses her brother, and harasses Forge into a breakdown.


Operation: Apalachin

X-Men Mission: Town Called Malice

External Links

October 2022