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MOA Match.png
Moment of Awesome - Ben Hammil/Match: Trapped by the Chcago PD and his powers out of control, Match and his grandmother are startled when Dust appears.

Match jerked in surprise, one hand raising towards the voice as he looked away from his grandmother. Sweat was dripping down his forehead as he put his all into focusing on keeping the flames around them at bay as best he could. The worry on his face shifted to clear annoyance as he glared at the woman. “Would love that. What the fuck are you gonna do?”

Jackie flicked Ben sternly on the ear. "You know better than to say that word in my house, young man." She gave the woman in front of her a onceover, then nodded decisively. "I assume you can either take people with you in that form of yours, or you've got an idea, young lady. Let's hear it, so we can get this one calming down and the two of you somewhere safer. Chicago PD ain't it, especially with the weirdness lately."

"I've brought some friends with me. They are outside, taking care of the police. A safe place we can also offer. To the both of you." Sooraya explained as she carefully took in the room. "They'll come to the back of the house... so that's in that direction, right?"

At their nods, Sooraya frowned, trying furiously to remember the rest of what she'd picked up from Angel. "Ben, I should be able to smother some of the flames, clearing a bit of path. You're keeping back the flames now, right... think you could do the same where I put out the flames, creating a path outside?"

Ben bit back the angry retort building, eyes flickering towards the back door before going around the room, mind spinning uselessly. "No, I can't," his voice cracked, already beginning to shake his head negatory before looking to his grandma. He curled the raised hand into a fist, thumb popping in its socket. "Yeah. I can. Let's do it."

"You can do it. Try to slowly let go of the flames behind us once we get closer to the door." She counseled him before dissolving back into her sand form. She spread out into a thin, but airtight sheet of sand and descended onto the nearest smouldering patch of carpet. Small tendrils lashed out from the edges, pushing away smaller burning objects.

Jackie gave Ben a reassuring smile and shoulder squeeze. "You can do anything you put your mind to, just like you always have. I have always believed in you. Go on, now. Help the young woman out."

Ben forced a smile and nodded. "C'mon, 's time to get outta here." He put his hand over hers to give a light squeeze before nudging her to move in front of him. For what he was about to do it would be easier to have her in his line of sight. He focused, biting his lip as he pushed back the flames as the woman's sand form flowed, following her towards the exit.