Category:Part-Time Players

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(As per the Activity Policy)

Part-Time Players:

  • Part-time player status will only be available to players who have been involved in X-Project on a full-time basis for at least one year, and includes players who have left the game after at least a year's full-time play and wish to return. It is intended for players who are still interested and enthusiastic about X-Project but may have outside influences that affect their ability to play consistently.
  • Part-time players will be required to maintain a lessened activity check, after discussion with the mod team. This may be an understanding that they can only play in scheduled plots, or that they may disappear for one or more activity checks on a regular basis but can make a commitment to activity otherwise, or other special considerations. On average, the mods will expect at least one piece of activity per activity check, instead of the usual one piece of activity per month.
  • Part-time players will be asked to not app for additional characters unless they can commit to 3 full activity checks and inform the mods that they intend to maintain full-time player status. A player asking for part-time status will be asked to drop down to one character.
  • At this time, no players will be required to change to part-time player status and forced to drop characters and forced onto part-time player status. This is not intended as punishment for activity struggles. This is an option that players can volunteer for only, after extended issues with activity while still maintain an interest in X-Project as a game.
  • Part-time players will be asked to justify their character's absence in the character's background or status.
  • Part-time players will be asked to not run as moderators for X-Project. Part-time players will still be asked to vote on policy changes, mod elections and other game issues.

Pages in category "Part-Time Players"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.