Stacy X

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Stacy X
Portrayed by Michelle Forbes
Known Aliases: Francine Dubman (birth name), Miranda Leevald
Affiliations: X-Force
Socked By: Dex
Introduction: Operation: Bat Country

The madam of a mutant brothel, Stacy X is also a long-time contact and "friend" of Kevin Sydney, who has no compunctions in using her as a resource.


Name: Francine Dubman

Aliases: Stacy X

Occupation: X-Ranch owner and "madam"

First appearance: February 20, 2023

Family: None living.


Stacy was born Francine Dubman in Topeka, Kansas. Francine left home at 14 to avoid sexual abuse by her stepfather and ended up in Las Vegas where she was quickly claimed by a local pimp and sent to work on the street. When he was killed a few years later, she was able to claim both his possessions - due to a quickie marriage to front his legal covers - and his territory. Over the next 25 years, Stacy ran what was considered one of the best private escort agencies on the Strip. She was known for supplying high end talent and had a client list that included celebrities, politicians, and foreign billionaires. This brought her to the attention of the CIA who established a 'working relationship' where her girls could be trusted to bug the odd client in exchange for legal immunity.

At an event, Stacy suffered a massive heart attack and was technically dead for over five minutes. Her body underwent a massive traumatic mutation event, kicking her X-gene active. By the time she awoke, her skin had transitioned into a snake skin like texture and color, and her ability to secrete powerful pheromones was starting to become active. She was forced to dissolve her business as many of the girls and her clients weren't comfortable working with such an obvious mutant. However, Stacy noticed the ones who were interested seemed to be willing to pay much higher prices for the uniqueness of mutation. Never one to miss a kink, Stacy saw the opportunity and built the X-Ranch.

Most of Stacy's business is hidden behind the name Miranda Leevald, technically Stacy's changed legal name but utterly disassociated with her identity as the madam and head of X-Ranch.


Stacy X is sensitive to pheromone emissions. She secretes her own pheromones upon skin-to-skin contact or in aerosol form, allowing her to stimulate body functions in others to cause orgasms, vomiting, adrenaline rushes, etc.

She also has snake-like, scaly skin that gives her a level of durability and armor against physical injury.


Operation: Bat Country


PB: Michelle Forbes

Socked by: Dex