Template:Selected anniversaries/August 19

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August 19

2003: Kurt takes a group of students to his church to discuss mutants with the priest for the Mutant Acceptance Project.

2004: Trojan Horse: Cable attacks Charles; Pete intercedes, but can't stop Cable without killing him and holding back nearly gets himself killed; Amanda uses her sleep spell and Charles' psychic masking to finish things; Cable is brought back to the mansion and things are locked down for security; MacInnis and his people explain about the Trojan Horse, a telepathic loophole in the conditioning designed to free all the Mistra operatives; when it's revealed the process would kill Nathan, MacInnis gives Charles the trigger and leaves. Nathan's situation reminds Jamie of Skippy. Amanda talks to Pete, who isn't dealing with what he had to do.

2005: Just One Drug: Amanda's amulet is broken. Alison returns to duty.

2007: Laurie posts about her new invention, eXtreme canoeing. Alexander's Wall: On the trip home, there's plenty of time to think about how things turned out and no-one is really happy; Ororo posts to the team comms about the situation, and that Nate and Haller are in the infirmary overnight for observation; Angelo offers to help Jean sit up and keep the possibly concussed telepaths awake; Nathan is lectured by Angelo; Angelo and Jean discuss the hard work of worrying about people.