Lorna 2015

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They'd teased her for years about opening a restaurant but these days she only cooked for family. Not that family didn't sometimes feel like cooking for a whole restaurant. It was the result of defining family loosely, of course, everyone from the pretty little blonde climbing her leg to the handsome teenager with the endless blue eyes and skin the nearly same shade as her hair. She peeled the blonde off her and tossed her to the teen who caught her easily. "Are you sure you don't want to go surfing or something? You've been stuck inside all week."

"And you've been working all week. Miles will stop if Lorna does." He grinned at her. "When is everyone else getting here?"

She rolled her eyes. "Soon. Take her for a walk would you? She's been babbling at me all day and not a word of it has been English. I thought mutations were hereditary." But she smiled fondly at the little girl, brushing her fingers through bangs that were too long and fell in big green eyes constantly. "I promise to stop long enough to get ready for the thing. Is that good enough?"

"Nope," he said, cheerfully and shifting the child onto his back where she clung like a brightly colored barnacle, he grabbed Lorna around the waist and dragged her out with him, ignoring her shrieks of protest.

"Miles, don't you dare throw me in the...agh!" It didn't have quite the same effect as being tossed in the lake but the splash made by being tossed over a balcony into the ocean was deeply impressive. She resurfaced, sputtering. "Just see if I let you stay over during the summer anymore!"

"You say that every year," he pointed out placidly then, in response to the urge babbling from the little girl, tossed her after her mother.