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First Appearance - None, but is the birthplace of Crystal Amaquelin and [[Medusa Amaquelin]

Attilan is located in the Azores, which are off the coast of Portugal. It has a moderate climate, with mild annual oscillation. The land consists of beaches, broadleaf forests and two major cities. The capital of Attilan is also named Attilan, lending a bit of confusion to outsiders. There is also one major mountain range with one or two inactive volcanoes. Attilan has two official languages, Portuguese and English. The colors of the flag and coat of arms are purple and yellow. The anthem is “An Accolade to Attilan” and the motto is “Diversity is the rule of nature.”

Attilan is fairly self-functioning. Due to the size and nature of the island, the people of Attilan are able to supply most of their own foodstuffs. They export a variety of exotic fruits and are well known for their wine and art. While technologically on par with the U.S., Attilan does have to import some of the necessary materials. There is one airport, with commercial flights having to go through Portugal before traveling to Attilan.

The government is a constitutional monarchy (like England and other European countries), meaning there is a democratic government, but still a ceremonial royal class. The primary royal family is the Boltagons, consisting of Agon (king), Rynda (queen), Blackagar (crown prince) and his brother Maximus (prince). Agon’s brother, Lord Quelin, also resides in Attilan and is married to Lady Ambur. Medusalith and Crystal are their children. There are a handful of other individuals that compose the royal court.

Also, while it is known in certain circles that the members of the royal family of Attilan are all mutants, it is not well-known (or maybe I should say publicized) in the media or amongst the general populace of Attilan or other countries.

