Age of Apocalypse

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Dates run:
Run By: Jillian
Read the logs:

Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


This should be the characters directly involved with the bulk of the action.

List of character links, separated with commas - [[Character A]], [[Character B]] etc.

List of NPC/Villain links.


Piped link to monthly summary page for the appropriate month, visible link to include the full dates Eg: [[August 2004| August 23-30, 2004]]

Plot Summary

Rachel is finally able to find Xorn, but meeting the enigmatic mutant is not as she expected. [NB. There may be a bit of a set up leading up to her finding Xorn] The omega level mutant sits on a hillside cave in the Andes, slowly fixing the astral plane from the damage wrought to it. Due to Essex’s mutant null status, Xorn is not able to detect falsehood in Rachel's memories, honestly believing that she is from up the spiral from their own dimension. But Xorn has his own reasons for doing anything, and while he agrees to send Rachel 'home', he demands two things - that Rachel chooses who to take immediately, and warns her that of those she sends, one will not come back.

While this throws her for a moment, Rachel makes her decision and puts together a team she hopes would provide her with the greatest tactical advantage – Remy, Angelo, Haller, Molly, Sam and Wanda. Those chosen are immediately psionically ripped out to join her in a sudden transition into her world. As they do, a summary of events of Rachel’s world are shoved into the minds of the ones involved.

The team lands in Rachel’s version of Muir, finding Essex in charge in the face of a massive assault about to fall on them. Essex reveals a secret – a Blackbird prototype that was hidden a few years ago, which had enhanced stealth capacity. Together with Essex, the team leaves Muir as Apocalypse’s forces take the island, destroying Rachel’s home behind her. The Blackbird carries them into New York, and lands on the ruins of the East River.

Essex leads them towards his old lab, but two of Apocalypse's horsemen – Pestilence and Famine – fall on them a short distance from the lab. It does not take long for them to realise that the horsemen are in fact Doug and Marius. They are able to beat back the attack, but it becomes clear that the lab is going to be a one way trip. As the rest of the team hold off their attackers, Rachel and Essex break through to the lab, and he finds a cloning chamber intact. With Rachel's help, they pull the young man from the tank just as the full fury of Apocalypse hits the team, forcing them to retreat into the lab for a last stand. The young man looks confused and bewildered, but Essex' face reveals emotion - triumph. He calls the man 'Adam', and as Apocalypse's forces slam into the lab, Rachel makes the final realization - Adam isn't a secret weapon. It's the mental imprint of Essex son, and he finally reveals that this world is an illusion.

As the mindscape melts around them, Essex offers her a farewell - now thoroughly absorbed in his own resurrection of Adam. The fractured world is tearing apart, and Rachel attempts to sacrifice herself to get the others out. They return to their bodies, only seconds having elapsed. Surprisingly, Rachel manifests before Xorn, as he explains the sacrifice was her old life - an illusion that died in order for her to live. She has to come to grips with the fact that Nate and Moira are her parents in this world, and Essex may have saved her from death, but only to manipulate her for his own ends.

Flashback logs

Destruction of the Mansion

(1) Defection of Angel, Yvette and Sue due to Marius’ stolen empathy;

(2) Meggan and Lorna die while Jean and Matt survive

Operation of Resistance Forces

(3) Amanda and Billy convince Topaz to turn spy for them after the deaths of her family;

(4) Adrienne kills Tandy whom Emma is fond of, and Emma kills Adrienne

Vigilante Operations

(5) Molly and Wade rescue Rachel from a feral Logan after a failed mission;

(6) Catseye dies at Fred’s hands;

(7) Matt runs a con on Sue before one of her deliveries to Apocalypse

Raid on Hope’s brothel by the prelates

(8) Sarah Vale passes information to Hope;

(9) Jubliation dies trying to save Clint from Garisson who is Head Prelate;

(10) Hope and Laurie try to escape with loot

Fall of the WCA

(11) Magneto and Johnny die at the hands of Pixie, who gets killed by Scott;

(12) Rage!Jen fights against Feral!Kyle;

(13) Korvus fights against Yvette

Weakening of the Resistance (14) Medical wing at Muir as Betsy fails to save Frank and Angelo after a particularly stupidly heroic move on their parts [Billy’s death is mentioned];

(15) Jennie kills Tabitha;

(16) War!Paige kills North in his defense of the seawall

Related Links

Links to things/concepts/locations that arose for the first time in the game during the plot. Eg. The Neutraliser, Nova Roma, etc.

External Links

Link to x_logs tag for that plot

If the plot has vital links in other pages ( eg. x_team, personal journals), include these here.

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Link to the player if a current one, give the name/livejournal link of a previous player.

Links to comic/movie/etc influences on the plot (if any), or other OOC notes that are important to the plot. Eg: With Malice Aforethought is a reworking of two Marvel plotlines - Malice and Forge's Neutraliser.