Daily Bugle

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The Daily Bugle
Portrayed by
Known Aliases: J. Jonah Jameson, Ben Ulrich, Peter Parker, Betty Brand...
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By:
Introduction: Case File: The Triskelion Files

Blurb - short summary of who the group is and what their aims are and their connection to a PC.


(each member should have a short description of who they are, how they came to be with the group, their role and their current status. Images should be 100x100 px)

J. Jonah Jameson
(description here)

PB: J. K. Simmons. Socked by

Ben Ulrich
(description here)

PB: Vondie Curtis-Hall. Socked by

Peter Parker
(Does Whatever a Spider Can)

PB: Andrew Garfield. Modsock - socked by Ben or Jeff

Joe 'Robby' Robertson
The Bugle's Managing Editor

PB: Bill Nunn.

Betty Brandt
No PB selected.jpg
The Bugle's office manager

PB: To be determined.

Daniel Hoffman
No PB selected.jpg
The Bugle's legal council

PB: To be determined. Socked by Matt (player)

Ned Leeds
No PB selected.jpg
Bugle Reporter

PB: To be determined.

  • (other members not named/too minor for a PB and description)


Phase 1

The Bugle was referenced in Phase 1 as having a vendetta against the costumed vigilante known as Spider-Man, but was not developed any further than that.

Phase 2

Brief history.


Case File: The Triskelion Files


Socked by: Dex, Matt (player), and others