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Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


This should be the characters directly involved with the bulk of the action.

List of character links, separated with commas - [[Character A]], [[Character B]] etc.

List of NPC/Villain links.


Piped link to monthly summary page for the appropriate month, visible link to include the full dates Eg: [[August 2004| August 23-30, 2004]]

Plot Summary

Arcade is not a man you cross lightly. After the heist at his casino two years ago, Arcade grew obsessed with finding out who really broke into his vault. The Brotherhood story was too simple, too pat for him, so he started digging. Lowenstein ended up paying for a small team of media researchers to pour over the security tapes of those days and look for possible connections between them and known mutants. His team poured endlessly over the tapes and the guest list, matching up faces to guests one by one, and tagging the endless lists of those they couldn't. Eventually, while making up the big winners from that week, one of his men recognized Doug Ramsey from the footage during his shooting at the blood drive years before. A quick reference to his personal information showed him as a former student of Xavier's. Examination into the staff and students of Xavier’s brings up new matches from the week before the heist, such as Wanda Maximoff, Terry Cassidy, Nathan Dayspring, and Jubilation Lee.

All of that together still didn’t provide the whole picture, until the word of his willingness to pay for information about the X-Men reached Belladonna LeBeau. For a cost, Remy LeBeau's ex-wife provided key information, including a positive identification of Remy’s disguise from the security tapes. Belladonna also provided him with the details she’d dug up on Remy’s past, including the Lost Boys program.

He tracked down Remy in New York City, and dropped in on a lunch between Remy and Ororo Munroe. During that lunch, Arcade laid out what he had collected. With all of this information, hecould launch a solid series of charges against the various staff and students of the mansion and of Snow Valley . While Xavier’s itself would be safe, the people caught on tape would have difficulty avoiding charges, and the negative publicity Arcade’s money could guarantee would be very damaging to the reputation of the school. Arcade has proof of numerous federal crimes being committed, the most minor of those being conspiracy to defraud a casino.

Instead, Arcade came up with a little game for Remy, and the unfortunate Ororo, who had been lumped in with him. His contacts had identified three of the surviving members of the Lost Boys program on the street. All three of them still suffer from the effects of the psychic lobotomy, and are invisible to mutant detection. If Remy and Ororo can get to each of them first, they can get them to treatment.

However, Arcade had found several groups that were interested in a middling powerful mutant to retrain, so they are racing against them. The second condition is that they both need to wear a bracelet that Arcade’s people devised. It included a GPS to track them, and a mutant power suppressor. Arcade had people set up to follow them in secret to make sure they couldn’t ask without risking the lives of the victims and the charges.

The prize of the game was that if they succeeded in getting to all targets first, Arcade agreed not only turn over all of the evidence he’s compiled, but also was willing to have his own memories of the events psychically removed, voluntarily, so that unless a new effort is made against him by the X-Men, he has absolutely nothing to bring against them.

Arcade's plan was that he built this race up as a special, exclusive betting game. A hundred high level rollers bet on the outcome and various points of the race, following it by the GPS and hidden footage of Arcade ’s men on the contestants.

Remy and Ororo start, with the location of the first former colleague in hand. Due to their lack of funds, powers and help, they quickly fall into old habits, running cons, picking pockets, stealing cars and all manner of petty criminal activity to get around the country and get to the victims first. Unfortunately, the other teams don’t have all the same limitations, and included in the five team pairs are two survivors of the Reavers and two of Belladonna’s agents.

The journey across America takes them to three separate cities: Savannah , Chicago and Seattle , fighting with the other teams to be first. Once they have secured the last mutant, Arcade lives up to his end of the bargain, destroying the evidence and taking the psychic wipe in exchange for their victory. The three mutants are sent to the West Coast Annex, to undergo psychic and regular therapy. With a year or more of care, all three can eventually be reintroduced to society without trauma.

Related Links

Remy's Eleven

External Links


Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Link to the player if a current one, give the name/livejournal link of a previous player.

Links to comic/movie/etc influences on the plot (if any), or other OOC notes that are important to the plot. Eg: With Malice Aforethought is a reworking of two Marvel plotlines - Malice and Forge's Neutraliser.


There are five other teams involved in the race. Each are sponsored by the following people. They will have a single appearance in the background of the lushly appointed viewing room that Acrade has set up in the Excelsior. Any one that is considered unavailable will simply be replaced by a faceless sponsor who fills basically the same role. However, we feel actual game references would make a better tie to the game as a whole.

Arcade, obviously. Bio as submitted with Remy’s Eleven.

Also appearing in that room are: Donald Pierce – please see Nute for his writeup. Donald is backing the Reavers. Belladonna Boudreaux-LeBeau, sponsor of the Assassins Guild team. James Stryker – younger brother of William Stryker, and a successful businessman. Rumoured to have connections with the FoH. Sponsor of the FoH team. Hammed el-Gibar, there representing his father. Sponsor of the Egyptian team. Tsurayaba Matsu’o, looking for a new mutant assassin. Sponsor of the Hand team.


Reavers – Williams and Frank, field contact is Kip ‘PrettyBoy’ Marshall . Hand – two generic ninja assassins, ties to the Yakusa street gangs. Egyptian – two mercenaries with links to terrorist groups. One with enhanced senses. Assassins – two assassins, both with minor mutant powers. FoH – two ex-SEALs, with advanced weapons and armor.


All three members of the LOSTBOYS program have gone through the same training and psychic lobotomy as Remy did. However, lacking the limited protection that Remy’s spatial sense afforded him from the psionic tampering, all three are badly damaged. Their memories end around the age of 13-14, and only begin again from the point they were dropped on the street three years ago. All suffer major social and mental dislocation due to the procedure, rendering the not much better than walking zombies. Because of the damage done, none of the three can use their mutant abilities.

However, a skilled telepath could either reverse the damage, or set off the trigger code that would undo the psychic tamperings (mostly) and revert them back to their older, trained personalities and memories. While none have quite the same level of sadistic history as Gambit did, all three were highly trained agents with a minimum of ten years field experience. Each was also fairly ruthless and committed atrocities of one stripe or another in the name of the Agency’s goals over that time. They have considerable value as assassins, mercenaries or agents to any group. The other remaining LOSTBOYS are believed to be dead by now.

Rory Browne, Landin Judkins, and Laura ‘Flair’ Vincent