Template:Featured Articles/11-2017

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MoA QQ.png
Moment of Awesome - Quentin Quire/Kid Omega : During a pro-mutant protest, Quentin and Monica Rambeau realise they approach mutant rights from very different viewpoints.

"Fuck you and fuck your mother, too, buddy." Quentin turned on his heel to break away from the protest for a minute. He needed a break. He almost wished he smoked cigarettes so he'd have something to calm him down. He started when he saw the young woman behind him. And from the look on her face, he didn't need his telepathy to know what she was thinking. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt them. Right now."

"Your restraint is admirable," she replied wryly, thinking as she said it that she sounded like her father. "But seriously, it's good. Things are way too hair trigger here."

"Yeah, and whose fault is that?" he asked rhetorically, eyeing the cops again. "Our revolution is never gonna come if we keep playing by their goddamn rules."

"It won't come if we're the antagonists either. We take the first punch and it's crackdowns and the registration act and fucking internment camps like they have in Australia for refugees," was Nica's response. "There's a bigger picture to keep in mind."

Quentin rolled his eyes. "Read a book. America does all that regardless of provocation. It's going to happen even if we segregate ourselves and never interact with flatscans. They'll find a justification. We're keeping to ourselves, we must be planning something, right? Into the gas chambers we go, just the same as if we hide in plain sight and pretend we're flatscans ourselves. Don't you think we should do something to even the odds before they come to slaughter us?"

"Which 'they'? The cops? The politicians? Or just anyone who doesn't happened to have the x-gene?" She gestured behind them at the crowd. "It's not just mutants out here today supporting us."

"You think they're going to stick around after shots are fired by either side?" He visually scanned the crowd, noting the variety of protesters. There were several obvious mutants, but many others who, like the two of them, could pass or weren't even mutants themselves. He sighed and ran a hand through his recently dyed hair.

"I'm willing to wait and give them the chance to show me one way or another before I judge them." Nica's eyes literally flashed - she had trouble keeping her powers in check when she was emotional. "That's your problem, Quire. You're so convinced you're right about everything you don't give anyone a chance to prove they aren't all out to get you."

He chuckled. "You're not the first person to say that. But if there's anything I've learned since I manifested, it's that everyone is out to get me. It's not paranoia if it's true."

"Downside of the TP?" she asked rhetorically. "Is everyone that hypocritical?"

"Upside," he corrected her. "Now I know 'trust no bitch' is a good maxim to live by."