Template:Featured Articles/6-2018

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MoA Firestar.png
Moment of Awesome: Angelica Jones/Firestar: Angel and Namor face off against the Iron Men after the Avengers are possessed and turn on SHIELD.

"Just what I've always wanted to do," Angel said as she kicked off the air and zoomed after the speeding metal monstrosities. "Play chicken with a bunch of technologically advanced death machines."

Namor was at her side as they left the top of the Triskalion building, New York sitting like a diorama below; their friend poised in combat growing smaller as the two ascended to chase those same death machines. The look on Namor's face, however, suggested he didn't quite agree with Angel's assessment.

"They are arrogant men in toy suits," and he leaned in on "men" as if that were the greater insult, "As we have nature's wrath wrapped in our very selves. Let us play."

"Good spirit," Angel said with a smirk. "Let's play." She kicked off higher into the air, going up at an angle and dropping down about a hundred feet in front of the suited men, firing off a large ball of flame in hopes of either hitting them or, at the very least, forcing them to separate.

Both suits peeled off in opposite directions, their tight turns showing off the agility and speed of the suits. They both executed tight loops to come back around, War Machine coming up behind Angel and Iron Man coming at Namor on an angle. The air around Angel started to explode in fast, sharp pops as the explosive ammo from the shoulder rotary cannon drew a bead on her, trying to blow her from the sky.

Iron Man raised both hands, his repulsor blasts hammering the area in front of Namor, causing the air to turn mushy and difficult to stay aloft in as he passed through the wake.

Angel whipped around just in time to see the assault begin, and quickly dove lower, flying under War Machine. She couldn't outrun him - keep up, maybe. But outrunning was out of the question.

So she didn't bother trying. Her heat shield sprang to life above her, encasing her in a bubble, and she shot back up to run straight into War Machine.