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[[Category: Retired Characters|Charles Xavier, Professor]]
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Revision as of 21:48, 19 October 2014

Charles Xavier
Portrayed by Patrick Stewart
Known Aliases: Professor X
Affiliations: Xavier Institute, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - headmaster
Socked By: Rossi and Sam for the Mods
Introduction: X2

Professor Charles Xavier is the founder of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a noted figure in the field of mutant genetics and sociology, and considered to be one of the world's strongest telepaths.


Name: Charles Francis Xavier

Aliases: Professor X

Occupation: Dean, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

First appearance: X2

Family: Brian Xavier (father, deceased), Sharon Xavier (mother, deceased), Kurt Marko (stepfather, deceased), Cain Marko (stepbrother), David Haller (son)


Charles Xavier was born to Brian and Sharon Xavier in September 1937, the only child of the noted scientist and his wife. While Charles was still very young, his father died unexpectedly, and his mother remarried one of Brian's peers, Kurt Marko, who was also a recent widower. This marriage resulted in Charles acquiring a younger stepbrother, Cain.

Charles became aware of his telepathic powers at a young age, and after the death of his mother and stepfather in the early 1960s, Xavier travelled the world for a while. In Tibet, he studied with monks who helped him learn methods of focusing and controlling his massive power, as well as reinforcing his ethical code as to how it should be used. During his travels he also met Erik Lehnsherr, who would eventually become his closest friend and confidant, and later his greatest foe.

Along with Erik, Charles turned the mansion he had grown up in into a school for mutants like himself, training them in their abilities and helping them find their place in the world. To this end, he created Cerebro, a device that would help him locate mutants across the globe. In time, he and Erik had a schism in their views on the coexistence of humans and mutants, resulting in Erik leaving to become the mutant terrorist known as Magneto. Determined to oppose Erik's madness and prove that his dream of mutant-human coexistence was worth pursuing, Charles formed the X-Men, joined by a number of his students.

In the past few years, Charles has handed over the day-to-day operation of his school to Scott Summers and Ororo Munroe, acting as Dean for the institution as well as continuing his search for young mutants in need of training and traveling to various conferences and summits on mutant issues. However, following the formation of the Xavier Institute and plans to reduce the school numbers, Charles 'fired' his headmasters, giving them a much-needed reprieve from their heavy workloads, and once more began to take a more active role in the school's day-to-day affairs.

While dealing with the events of Day Zero, Charles was in Cerebro and psychically connected to hundreds of New Yorkers who perished in the collapse of the George Washington Bridge. The psychic backlash threw him into a temporary coma, and though he has recovered and returned to his daily business, it remains to be seen if there are any lasting effects.

In 2009, he assisted with the plan to take down the Taygetos program, providing mental blocks to facilitate hiding the X-Men's strategy from Tara Trask. In 2010 he had hard choices to make, choosing to involve the X-Men in international politics to prevent a war between Pakistan and India; only several months later, he lost a student when the Class of 2010's graduation ceremony was attacked. Another mansion invasion in July 2011 proved almost too much, with the death of a student and the apparent death of Dr. Amelia Voght and a prolonged coma for Jean Grey. Under the pressures of these incidents, while for Jean and Amelia, at least, things turned out well, Charles aged considerably.

In 2012, Charles made a decision that would forever change the mansion inhabitants and everyone associated with them. He temporarily took in two Genoshan refugees, who disappeared after leaving the mansion. A few months after their disappearance, the New Mutants, along with several staff and X-Force members, were kidnapped from a protest rally outside of the Genoshan embassy. After this kidnapping, Charles met with the Genoshan ambassador, who informed Charles that his people would be safely returned if Xavier's stopped interfering with Genosha (a warning that went unheeded). The events that followed, while mostly everyone returned alive, left Charles guilt-riddened and nearly broken.

Following Angelo Espinosa's termination from Elpis, Charles approached Angelo about helping to create X-Corps, a humanitarian organization funded by the Xavier Institute, in an effort to prevent future issues before they became necessary for X-Men intervention. A response to a request for help from old friend Dr. Franklin Richards resulted in new student Susan Storm coming to the school, while in September, he assisted in psychically rebuilding Garrison Kane's mind after a job gone horribly wrong in Minnesota left Kane in a coma with chaos magic eating away at his mind. With the help of Wanda Maximoff, they were able to clear away the chaos energy, but he was prevented from participating any further in the surgery due to the risk of re-infecting Kane. When Jennie Stavros reappeared, needing sanctuary, Charles offered her a job, recognising the need to assist her against her unacknowledged foes, while another student mishap, with the kidnapping of Tandy Bowen caused further self-doubt about his ability to keep his students safe.

In June 2013, he agreed to co-sign a loan with Catseye in order for her to open her deli.


Charles Xavier is considered to be the world's strongest telepath, almost without peer. Aided by Cerebro, his range for telepathic contact is almost global, and he is skilled enough to discern one specific mental pattern among millions with time and concentration.

Xavier is skilled in using his telepathy for therapeutic means as well, aiding trauma victims in recovery and assisting those under his care who have suffered psychic ailments.


Charles suffered a serious spinal injury while mountain climbing in Switzerland in 1975, and has been reliant on his wheelchair for mobility since then. While his injury still allows him a range of feeling in his legs, he lacks mobility, and the source of the injury is in a location that made corrective surgery a significant risk at the time. To date, Charles has not expressed any wish to undergo any kind of procedure to restore the use of his legs.

Charles uses various wheelchairs for public appearances as well as daily use. He possesses an advanced motorized wheelchair with an experimental nonelectric motor, as well as various manually-powered wheelchairs.

Despite his normally staid and sober demeanor, Charles possesses a very dry wit and a healthy sense of humor. His students are often surprised to discover that their Professor is also a fan of Monty Python, as well as the Rolling Stones.





Cassandra Complex

Skippy (plot)

Hand Me Down

Trojan Horse



X-Men Mission: Who's The Thief

Butterfly Effect

Hellfire and Damnation

One-Eyed King


Not So Plain Jane

Broken Stone

Search and Rescue



Voices Carry


When It All Goes Wrong Again

X-Men Mission: Leverage


Size Does Matter

Family Portrait

Five Against One

Ahab (plot)


Thirteen Days


X-Men Mission: Opera Redux

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

The Shadow King (plot)

Resurrection Man

Here Comes Tomorrow

Day Zero


Congress of Behram


Fiddler's Green

Atomic Angel

Modern Nature


Song of Isaac, Key of Solomon

Lakshmibai Raj

A Betrayal of Heart


X-Men Mission: Roller Derby Queen

Don't Close Your Eyes


London to Ladysmith via Pretoria

For Free Trade

The Unwritten Alliance

The End of the Beginning

Any Port in a Storm

Ashes and Mist


Light in the Darkness



Deal With The Devil



PB: Patrick Stewart

Socked by: Rossi and Sam for the Mods

For OOC guidelines on Charles' role in the mansion, players are asked to see this post.