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<b>Aug 30</b> - Two cats, Sharon and Fi, finally meet, poolside. Julio shares the Netflix trailer for ''One Piece'' to his journal.
<b>Aug 30</b> - Two cats, Sharon and Fi, finally meet, poolside. Julio shares the Netflix trailer for ''One Piece'' to his journal. Amanda tries to explain Garrison's condition to Jean.

Latest revision as of 13:40, 12 February 2024

July 2023 *** September 2023
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

The month started with Pyotr Rasputin returning to Russia to care for his parents due to an illness in the family. Illyana Rasputin portalled him home, meeting her parents for the first time since her abduction to Limbo. Jessica Jones got tangled in X-Men business on a case. She was brought back to the mansion after sustaining an injury and David Haller discovered that her mind had been hijacked. Jessica moved back into the mansion, partially for psychic recovery and partially due to not being able to afford her rent. Also arriving was the purple shapeshifter Sharon Smith, who sought sanctuary at the mansion from Alani Ryan and Sooraya Qadir. New student Liam Nelson moved in when it was decided that Xavier's would be safer for him than staying in Maine.

Soorya learned about Haller's D.I.D., as did Arthur Centino who met the alter Davey. In a similar vein, Haller met the other part of Shatterstar's system, Benjamin. Sharon integrated herself into mansion life by pestering residents about their powers. Illyana started working for Warren Worthington as his executive assistant. Garrison Kane informed Jean Grey about his powers degradation and the health issues associated, leading to him being examined by an expert. Darcy Lewis discovered that not only could she interface with smart electronics, but she could do it with just her mind - essentially, she "[was] the machine". Shatterstar started shooting lessons with Kevin Sydney.

A collection of books on Chthon were being sold on the black market, so Amanda Sefton put together a small team to retrieve them. The team had to fight summoned creatures but ended up in possession of the books. The month ended with Topaz leaving for an extended stay in London.


Aug 1 - Hope A. emails Warren and Bobbi to let them know Warren’s people need replacing due to anti-mutant attitudes and/or ties to Warren’s father. Following the mishap at the quarry, Julio asks Garrison for powers help. Shatterstar corners Madin in the kitchen to let them know he agreed with their anti-human post on the journals. Illyana texts Clint to let him know she’s taking Pyotr back to Russia and that she’ll be meeting her family for the first time since her abduction; Pyotr and April say goodbye; Pyotr lets the X-Men know he is leaving due to family illness and doesn’t expect to be back for a while; Illyana takes Pyotr back home via Limbo and there is an emotional (on her father’s part) reunion. Hope A. gives Shatterstar advice on communication and active listening in the wake of the powers mishap with Julio.

Aug 2 - Arthur and Shatterstar share pastries and talk of a mutual acquaintance, Shatterstar’s mother. Arthur and Garrison share garage talk about Garrison’s Crown Victoria. Kevin and Hope A. meet at a bar in the city and talk of the Hellfire Club does not go well. Topaz and Alani discuss library housekeeping matters.

Aug 3 - Alani and Nica meet and chat over summer plans by the pool.

Aug 4 - Terry texts Hope A. to ask how Warren’s new hires via the District X Community Centre are doing. Clarice shares songs to CPR to, and does not rickroll. Keep Breathing: It’s morning and a struggling Jessica Jones takes on a new client; Jessica tails her client’s husband to a warehouse and discovers he’s not having an affair, he’s meeting with members of the Brotherhood of Mutants; at the same time, Jean and Garrison arrive, following up a lead; a fight ensues and Jessica is blasted by Phantasma and is injured; back at the mansion, Haller provides some desperately-needed psychic first aid and discovers her mind has been hijacked by a telepath called Zebediah Killgrave. Terry posts an open call for volunteers to help with the Community Centre in various areas (before going away for the weekend with Kyle).

Aug 5 - Keep Breathing: When Haller tells Jean what happened to Jessica, she has flashbacks to her own trauma; Haller posts his report on what he found in Jessica’s mind on xp_teams and there are many creative punishments for Killgrave proposed; Gabriel texts Haller to confirm Jessica is indeed back at the mansion; Sooraya texts Haller to check up on him; Terry emails Jean and offers to take her and Darcy to a rage room as therapy for Jessica’s return. Warren discovers the bar at the mansion - with Kevin inside - and has a surprisingly open conversation with him.

Aug 6 - Haller checks up on Jessica and finds her sarcasm is recovering, at least; Terry returns from her weekend away and lets Darcy know about the invitation to Jean to go to the rage room. Clint has his regular physical with Clarice.

Aug 7 - Garrison checks in on Jessica to get further details about Killgrave for his investigation. Clint texts Sam to check up on him. Quentin posts an apology to the journals for threatening to use his telepathy on a mansion resident. Warren asks Hope A. to help with the wedding planning. Checking in on Haller, Sooraya finds Jack is taking charge of matters. Jean makes an incredibly awkward check up on Jessica.

Aug 8 - Very early in the morning, Matt and Match run into each other in the kitchen and chat. At the District X Community Centre, Alani and Sooraya are approached by a purple cat-like mutant asking for help; at the mansion, Clarice gives Sharon/Catseye a flea treatment before she’s able to come inside. Warren lets the mansion know he’s needing better employees than the ones he already has. Warren comes to Alani’s rescue in the kitchen when her attempt at baking fails spectacularly. Terry texts Kyle about baiting Warren on his journal post to do better with his money. Hope A. emails Bobbi and Warren with her initial wedding planning document.

Aug 9 - Jean and Garrison move through their mutual early morning breakfast ritual. Warren visits Jessica and is obnoxious about their past, Haller comes in and Cyndi decides to play interference in her own particular way and Jessica thinks they’re both crazy. Sharon meets April and is fascinated by her powers. Kyle tries to find out if Sharon needs any special accommodations room-wise, but she’s distracted by meeting another feral mutant.

Aug 10 - Haller visits Jessica in the hope she’s forgotten the previous day but he’s not that lucky. Warren interviews - and hires - Illyana; Illyana asks Clint to review the contract before she signs it. Catseye’s wanderings take her to the Chapel where she steals Clint’s lunch and confuses him a lot. Illyana texts Clarice to help with getting a new wardrobe for her job with Warren. Kyle lets Scott know they have a new Catseye and that he’ll need to update the anti-cat safety protocols on the Blackbird. Sharon smells food and meets Darcy and Terry in their suite.

Aug 11 - Sharon meets Garrison and - more importantly - the wolf. Sharon meets Warren and is very curious about his wings; Warren texts Bobbi after meeting Sharon to ask about the Horny Seagull nickname. Illyana texts Warren to let him know she accepts the job. Maya and Garrison discuss responsibility (and cake?) via ASL. Sooraya learns more about Haller’s DID system and 'meets' Jim. Clint and Quentin talk about Q’s apology. Arthur brings Jess some reading material while she's in the medlab; he is a delight, which is terrifying.

Aug 12 - Arthur meets Davey while out walking his dog. Clint drops by Amanda’s office and they discuss the latest updates concerning Quentin. Illyana goes shopping with Clarice for a new wardrobe now that she works for Warren. The Grad School Girl Squad - Alison, Maya, Nica, Alani and April - get together for lunch and chat.

Aug 13 - Sooraya invites Haller and Jean to an art exhibition as a break from their stressful week. Haller meets Benjamin - Shatterstar’s other personality - for the first time. Sharon tries Molly’s popping boba and is wildly startled. Maya makes a sad post, feeling homesick now Forge has left. Arthur lets Haller know he met Davey. Felicia and Kevin catch up over the new cocktail list at Kirby’s and discuss Felicia’s quest for revenge.

Aug 14 - Determined to meet the other purple mutant in the mansion, Sharon tracks down Madin. What Illyana needs is a few favors and access to the magic library, but what she gets is a surprisingly helpful Amanda Sefton and the chance to start mending fences. Amanda, and eventually, Marie-Ange stop by for an after work drink at Kirby's and a chat with Sam.

Aug 15 - Clint and Gabriel meet up for an intel swap and Clint ends up explaining the portal to Gabe. Garrison and Haller discuss Jessica's previous living situation where Warren overhears and offers his help in the matter. Sharon encounters Kurt, ever elusive, as she strolls the mansion at night and plies him for answers to his mutation. Topaz and Alani discuss bringing help into the library.

Aug 16 - Clarice bemoans that her purple does not go with pink after seeing the Barbie movie. Warren contacts Haller to let him know that the apartment and clothing situation has been fixed. Jess texts Haller about the new wardrobe Warren gifted her. Matt soaks in the tub and shares news of the relaxing experience with the rest of the mansion. Madin interviews for a secretary position with Warren and the whole matter is a disaster start to finish. Sharon finds herself a nemesis in the form of Namor, after she gets in the middle of Illyana and Namor's testing of each other's reflexes. Scott pays a visit to Haller to discuss current events, pseudo-sibling dynamics, and the difficulties of moving on. Transian Public Library: Clint emails Amanda to share the news that a collection of books on Chthon was bought at a private auction and is scheduled to be moved later in the week.

Aug 17 - Jess emails Sooraya to ask if she's taking donations for the center. There's a press release from Warren's desk concerning his newest hiree, Illyana. Clint texts Illyana about her new job. Illyana texts Madin to offer an apology for the misunderstanding on Warren's behalf. Monica's personal power training brings Sharon out of hiding and eager to play laser pointer. Transian Public Library: Amanda informs Marie-Ange of the potential lead Clint provided; they gather Garrison and Wanda to let them in on the plan and voice their need for a very fancy plane and a pilot; Garrison meets with Jean and asks her to be his pilot... and informs her on his particular health situation.

Aug 18 - Hope A. emails Illyana to offer a meeting if she'd like, to welcome to the insanity that is working for Warren. Hope A. then texts Sue to bemoan Warren's actions. While exploring the mansion, Jess stumbles across Sooraya who is able to answer some of her questions. Maya teaches Sharon how to throw an axe. Illyana meets with Madin at Warren’s request to speak with them about a job. Transian Public Library: To achieve their goal Garrison and Wanda reach out to Silver Sable International; the team ambushes the envoy carrying the much sought after books; and as nothing's ever as easy as it seems, the creatures that were summoned by their attack give them a run for their money; Amanda and Wanda's combined abilities find a way to stop the summoning device; following the mission Marie-Ange receives a lovely birthday bouquet, which Doug later texts her about; Wanda meets up with Kevin and shares a drink.

Aug 19 - Liam and his parents arrive at the mansion and are met by Arthur; Liam announces his presence at the mansion. Quentin approaches Jess and finds the real version to be quite different. Arthur and Warren share drinks on a roof and discuss the new power set in the mix. Garrison oversees a new Danger Room training for Darcy involving VI and a new aspect of her power shows itself. Liam meets his new roommate, Shatterstar, and the boys are immediately awkward.

Aug 20 - Marie-Angie thanks Darcy for the new tarot deck that she was gifted for her birthday. Liam and Sharon meet, two cat ferals meeting another for the first time in their lives and they compare experiences. Shatterstar suggests that the mansion watches 'Cat People' in honor of the new arrivals. Darcy comes across Liam and chats with the mansion's newest teen.

Aug 21 - Julio tries and fails to make comfort food, so Sharon insists on helping. Shatterstar gets to taste test. Julio later posts on the journals, noting there’s leftovers for those that want them. Darcy texts Marie-Ange an image of a potato tarot deck. After watching her train with VI, Garrison has questions, and thoughts, while Darcy has answers and some thoughts of her own.

Aug 22 - Match texts Arthur asking if he could teach them something. Jess is shocked to find Sharon lounging on her laundry. Jess bursts in on Haller and commandeers his shirt while complaining about large purple cats. Alani talks about a new Luna Snow single having dropped. Liam and Julio meet at the pool.

Aug 23 - Sooraya texts David and Jean about tickets for Sunday’s art show. David, Sooraya and Jess later prepare dinner together, briefly interrupted by Maya who jumps to an interesting conclusion. She texts Darcy to ask if she knows anything. Warren meets Liam but neither are particularly impressed. Liam and Madin meet, weird reality TV is watched and they disagree about ACAB.

Aug 24 - Sooraya notes that Saturday a group of volunteers at the DX Community Centre will be sorting supplies for back to school and asks if anyone from the mansion would like to join. Sharon and Match meet, things are set on fire. Jess and Match bond over purple cats and ACAB. Sharon leaves an apology for Match pinned to a small bag of empty cans. Kevin teaches Shatterstar how to shoot.

Aug 25 - Jubilee posts a dance video and asks if anyone will learn the dance with her. Shatterstar and Haller talk about Haller having met Benjamin. Haller gets a front-row seat to April's twinned self-image while he questions her during parkour. Liam meets Jess and Jess' bottle of liquor, no one in the situation is impressed. While Topaz is packing, Sharon drops in to meet Midnight and her.

Aug 26 - Alani texts Felicia about Fall semester starting soon and wondering if she’d like to share a bottle of Prosecco. Sam volunteers at the school supply drive in District X, where he runs into Sooraya. April and Maya comfort each other over missing Forge.

Aug 27 - Sunning and playing by the pool leads Sharon and Liam into an argument, and a couple of large splashes. Nica emails April to check on her with Forge and Pyotr leaving and offers pizza, ice cream and movies.

Aug 28 - After multiple aquatic assaults, Sharon opts to train in pursuit of becoming master of her environment, and she is immediately caught in the act. Working her Monday shift, Alani comes across Jess in the mansion's library... it's certainly something that happened, or is it? Warren texts Darcy to obsess over Haller. Haller encounters Darcy in the kitchen, and she gives him a little enlightenment about his supposed harem status.

Aug 29 - Sharon comes across Megan, learns everything there is to know about her wings and accepts her's offer of a manicure. Darcy makes a journal entry to share a video about Super Mario 64. Sooraya and Warren talk, and Warren is lucky he doesn't end up wearing half the pasta sauce. Garrison keeps his promise to Jean and joins her to be examined by Bruce Banner, when, unfortunately, a teammate of his drops by to 'help'. Topaz makes a journal entry advising she’s going to be out of the country for a while. Madin runs into a BBQ with Garrison, and forgets the rule that when talking to a cop, all you ever say is 'lawyer'. Inez meets Liam while he's fishing.

Aug 30 - Two cats, Sharon and Fi, finally meet, poolside. Julio shares the Netflix trailer for One Piece to his journal. Amanda tries to explain Garrison's condition to Jean.

Aug 31 - Doug makes a journal entry asking which one is Huginn and which is Muninn? April joins Nica and Megan for a pizza and movie night.


(The Trick Is To) Keep Breathing

Transian Public Library

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August 2023