The Unrelenting Struggle

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Part 7 of the Genosha Arc - The Unrelenting Struggle
The Unrelenting Struggle.jpg
Dates run: May 25 - June 2, 2012
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: The Unrelenting Struggle

Quote from the plot



Layla Miller, Ororo Munroe, Kyle Gibney, David North, Kurt Wagner, Carmilla Black, Jubilation Lee, Adrienne Frost, Angelica Jones, Paige Guthrie, Vance Astrovik

Mutate 606, Magistrate Braddock

Jenny Ransome, Genoshan Resistance


May 25 - June 2, 2012

Plot Summary

Kurt attempts to comfort Jubilee while sharing the same cell before they are shipped to Prenova.

A group of the prisoners find themselves loaded aboard the 'mutant train'

During the train ride, Jubilee and Ororo secretly work on their restraints while the rest distract their guards with insults; An unexpected explosion derails the train and the group evacuates, only to meet a resistance group led by Jenny Ransome who swiftly recruits them to her cause and returns their powers to them; ; Kurt and Cammie are happily reunited; Kurt and Jubilee can't sleep and instead swap life stories with each other.

Kurt comes across North who is hiding drug withdrawal symptoms and they converse in German until daybreak; Kurt, Ororo, North and Paige meet with Jenny to discuss the resistance's next course of action and Jenny is reluctantly convinced of the necessity of taking out the power plant; Kurt tries to tell a guilt-ridden Layla that it was not her fault Rachel Kinross was killed.

Kyle helps Cammie remove her skin suit and ends up throwing up. Adrienne and North do a little impromptu weapons training; Kurt and Ororo help Jenny cope with the burdens of leadership; Kurt offers to spar with Kyle to help distract him, though audience participation winds up shifting the focus when Layla wants to learn stuff; North decides to test a developing hypothesis on Layla who does not seem to be what she things she is.

The night before the attack on Prenova, Paige and Kyle discuss coping methods; Jubilee and Vance exchange their different perspectives on the hero gig; Layla, Cammie and Angelica help out around camp.

Ororo's team - Vance, North, Layla and Adrienne - begin the attack on Prenova; Kurt's team - Kyle, Angelica, Cammie and Jubilee - fight their way to the geothermal plant and set free the mutants they find there; Magistrate Braddock and Mutate 606 - Amara - attack Ororo's team and are nearly too much for them; Kurt's team gets the imprisoned mutants out before bringing down the power plant; at the end, a group of workers confronts Jenny Ransome about the destruction of the power plant, calling her a traitor to Genosha.

Related Links


Jenny Ransome

Phillip Moreau

The Citadel

Genosha Arc


External Links

The Unrelenting Struggle

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Dex

This arc is the X-Project version of the epic canon storyline X-Tinction Agenda.