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==Plot Summary==
==Plot Summary==
Summary of the events of the plot. Include links to supporting characters, locations, other plots. Remember, only link to something once per page, so no need to link to characters listed as Cast.
Jun 16 - Hotel California: Haller emails Scott, letting him know that Jean has failed to check in and is no longer registering on Cerebro; while talking with Topaz, Marie-Ange has a precognitive fit related to Jean; while Scott and Haller are trying Jean’s contacts to see if anyone has seen her, Haller receives a call that spurs them into action; Scott lets x_team know that he and Haller will be joining X-Force in retrieving Jean; the group gathers at Jean’s hotel, with not a lot to go on but Marie-Ange’s visions and a vague sense of magic being felt by Amanda and Nico; when Amanda opens the door, something happens and they find themselves split up in a strange otherworldly version of the hotel; Scott encounters a strangely-belligerent Remy and visions of Jean and Logan together; Marie-Ange finds herself traversing Dante’s Inferno, specifically the hell of the lustful; Nico discovers herself at a debutante and is rescued by a handsome stranger with whom things get physical; Amanda is taunted by visions of the happiness of others, as well as other visions where she is someone else in the hotel, preparing for some kind of ritual; Haller meets another version of himself who points out all of his failings; Wanda is trapped by Chthon inside her own mind; Jean encounters the old man again, only to discover he is Parker Matthews as he begins killing the hotel guests and staff; Amanda, Haller and Wanda manage to break free of their tormentor and find each other; Scott encounters Logan and Jean and a fight breaks out, but he realises he’s being played and manages to break the illusion; Marie-Ange continues her downward spiral into Hell; Nico pays the wages of sin; Jean battles Matthews, realising at last that it’s not him she is facing after all; Marie-Ange finds the centre and is found; Jean and Scott manage to find each other, for real this time; the group gathers together in the library and discover the journal of the man in Amanda’s visions, the fact they’re facing a demon summoned by him, and that Gambit is “loose”; Marie-Ange, Nico and Remy distract Gambit while Jean, Haller and Amanda prepare for Jean to sever the demon’s connection to the summoner’s soul and let him finally rest; Wanda and Scott head for the greenhouse where the summoner’s body is housed, with Amanda helping as best she can via her connection to the hotel; Remy proposes a deal with Gambit, in a desperate attempt to save some of his team - and himself, it seems; Jean battles the demon for the summoner’s soul and the wards on the hotel break under the strain, which creates chaos; Wanda and Scott find the summoner’s body and destroy it; Remy taunts Gambit as the demon’s hold on the hotel is handicapped by the loss of the summoner as the anchor to this dimension; the group have a brief respite, but the job isn’t finished as Remy realises he has to take Gambit back in order to be sure he can’t escape and hurt anyone else; Haller and Remy face down Gambit, severing his connection to the demon and allowing Remy to take him back, while Haller is severely psychically injured; with Gambit no longer providing the demon focus, all hell breaks loose; Scott and Jean protect Remy from the demon’s wrath; Amanda nearly becomes the next host for the demon, but Nico steps in and the First protects its property; Marie-Ange, Haller and Wanda make an exit; back in the ‘real’ world, only a short time has passed and everything is back to normal - except those who were injured. Topaz texts Amanda to make sure she’s okay and gets a half-asleep response.
Jun 17 - Jean posts to the journal comm announcing that she and Haller will both be unavailable due to ‘unforeseen events’ and that she will have a proxy administer her class finals. Jean posts to the staff comm telling her colleagues she will be going to the Box for a few days. Doug posts to the Snow Valley comm about the office being shorthanded while people recover from what happened in DC. Wade texts Marie-Ange to ask if she is one of the Snow Valley employees who is out of commission. Marie-Ange posts to the Snow Valley comm about those who went to DC being out of the office for the day, and offers a quick summary of what happened.
Jun 20 - Haller emails Maddie, Topaz, and Hope to tell them what happened to him and explain what it means for their meetings with him for the next little while. Betsy emails Scott, unhappy about what happened to Haller in DC and blaming Scott for it. Jean emails Haller to inform him about Betsy’s blaming Scott for Haller’s injuries and voice her worry about Betsy killing Scott. Haller texts Betsy asking her to cut Scott some slack but their conversation is strained. While spending the night in the Box after what happened in the hotel, Scott and Jean discuss their nightmares about what happened.
==Related Links==
==Related Links==

Revision as of 21:14, 23 September 2013

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Hotel California
Dates run: June 15-16, 2013
Run By: Tapestry
Read the logs: Hotel California

Quote from the plot

Brief teaser.


Amanda Sefton, Doug Ramsey, David Haller, Jean Grey, Logan, Marie-Ange Colbert, Nico Minoru, Remy LeBeau, Scott Summers, Topaz, Wanda Maximoff

Manuel de la Rocha, Professor Lee Kirby, Laurel, Brook

(as illusions) Parker Matthews, Quentin Quire


June 15-16, 2013

Plot Summary

Jun 16 - Hotel California: Haller emails Scott, letting him know that Jean has failed to check in and is no longer registering on Cerebro; while talking with Topaz, Marie-Ange has a precognitive fit related to Jean; while Scott and Haller are trying Jean’s contacts to see if anyone has seen her, Haller receives a call that spurs them into action; Scott lets x_team know that he and Haller will be joining X-Force in retrieving Jean; the group gathers at Jean’s hotel, with not a lot to go on but Marie-Ange’s visions and a vague sense of magic being felt by Amanda and Nico; when Amanda opens the door, something happens and they find themselves split up in a strange otherworldly version of the hotel; Scott encounters a strangely-belligerent Remy and visions of Jean and Logan together; Marie-Ange finds herself traversing Dante’s Inferno, specifically the hell of the lustful; Nico discovers herself at a debutante and is rescued by a handsome stranger with whom things get physical; Amanda is taunted by visions of the happiness of others, as well as other visions where she is someone else in the hotel, preparing for some kind of ritual; Haller meets another version of himself who points out all of his failings; Wanda is trapped by Chthon inside her own mind; Jean encounters the old man again, only to discover he is Parker Matthews as he begins killing the hotel guests and staff; Amanda, Haller and Wanda manage to break free of their tormentor and find each other; Scott encounters Logan and Jean and a fight breaks out, but he realises he’s being played and manages to break the illusion; Marie-Ange continues her downward spiral into Hell; Nico pays the wages of sin; Jean battles Matthews, realising at last that it’s not him she is facing after all; Marie-Ange finds the centre and is found; Jean and Scott manage to find each other, for real this time; the group gathers together in the library and discover the journal of the man in Amanda’s visions, the fact they’re facing a demon summoned by him, and that Gambit is “loose”; Marie-Ange, Nico and Remy distract Gambit while Jean, Haller and Amanda prepare for Jean to sever the demon’s connection to the summoner’s soul and let him finally rest; Wanda and Scott head for the greenhouse where the summoner’s body is housed, with Amanda helping as best she can via her connection to the hotel; Remy proposes a deal with Gambit, in a desperate attempt to save some of his team - and himself, it seems; Jean battles the demon for the summoner’s soul and the wards on the hotel break under the strain, which creates chaos; Wanda and Scott find the summoner’s body and destroy it; Remy taunts Gambit as the demon’s hold on the hotel is handicapped by the loss of the summoner as the anchor to this dimension; the group have a brief respite, but the job isn’t finished as Remy realises he has to take Gambit back in order to be sure he can’t escape and hurt anyone else; Haller and Remy face down Gambit, severing his connection to the demon and allowing Remy to take him back, while Haller is severely psychically injured; with Gambit no longer providing the demon focus, all hell breaks loose; Scott and Jean protect Remy from the demon’s wrath; Amanda nearly becomes the next host for the demon, but Nico steps in and the First protects its property; Marie-Ange, Haller and Wanda make an exit; back in the ‘real’ world, only a short time has passed and everything is back to normal - except those who were injured. Topaz texts Amanda to make sure she’s okay and gets a half-asleep response.

Jun 17 - Jean posts to the journal comm announcing that she and Haller will both be unavailable due to ‘unforeseen events’ and that she will have a proxy administer her class finals. Jean posts to the staff comm telling her colleagues she will be going to the Box for a few days. Doug posts to the Snow Valley comm about the office being shorthanded while people recover from what happened in DC. Wade texts Marie-Ange to ask if she is one of the Snow Valley employees who is out of commission. Marie-Ange posts to the Snow Valley comm about those who went to DC being out of the office for the day, and offers a quick summary of what happened.

Jun 20 - Haller emails Maddie, Topaz, and Hope to tell them what happened to him and explain what it means for their meetings with him for the next little while. Betsy emails Scott, unhappy about what happened to Haller in DC and blaming Scott for it. Jean emails Haller to inform him about Betsy’s blaming Scott for Haller’s injuries and voice her worry about Betsy killing Scott. Haller texts Betsy asking her to cut Scott some slack but their conversation is strained. While spending the night in the Box after what happened in the hotel, Scott and Jean discuss their nightmares about what happened.

Related Links

Links to things/concepts/locations that arose for the first time in the game during the plot. Eg. The Neutraliser, Nova Roma, etc.

External Links

Hotel California

If the plot has vital links in other pages ( eg. x_team, personal journals), include these here.

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Tapestry

Links to comic/movie/etc influences on the plot (if any), or other OOC notes that are important to the plot. Eg: With Malice Aforethought is a reworking of two Marvel plotlines - Malice and Forge's Neutraliser.