Sam (player)

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Character(s): Angelica Jones
Email: Samemail.jpg
Date joined: March 2012


Sam is an overly ambitious college student with too much time on her hands and not enough time at all. She'll probably be living on a street corner in Boston someday (writing is such a touch-and-go career), but for now she lives in front of her laptop (or up in her school's newspaper office...those people own her soul). When she's not clicking "refresh" fifty thousand times on Facebook or her e-mail, she's obsessively writing FanFiction or that book series she swears she'll finish someday.

Sam doodles around with making graphics and music videos in her non-existent free time (i.e. the time she SHOULD be spending doing homework or sleeping), and unfortunately for her real life, she's far too awkward to ever be allowed to integrate into society. Thankfully, that's what the Internet is for.

AIM: ForeverSam2013

Preferred means of contact: E-Mail, AIM (contact through e-mail first)


Modsocks NPCs Villains
None None None
