Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons

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Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons
Johnny devil and the screaming demons.jpg
Portrayed by Themselves
Known Aliases: Johnny Devil, Jason Epp, Lucy Fur and Rob Cofell
Affiliations: Garrison Kane
Socked By: Dex and Rossi
Introduction: Day Zero

A band from Garrison's native Toronto, they have since moved to New York and are becoming known on the live pub band circuit. They are best known for their post Day Zero gig at Harry's Hideaway.


Johnny Devil
Johnny devil.jpg
Vocals and lead guitar. Johnny Devil is flamboyant and enthusiastic about his music, as well as being extremely relaxed about life. A born entertainer, he knows how to rev up a crowd and how to deal with hecklers.

PB: Johnny Devil

Kenny Cunningham
Kenny cunningham.jpg
Bass and vocals. Laid back almost to a fault, Kenny likes playing the mutant crowds because they let him blend in.

PB: Kenny Cunningham

Lucy Fur
Lucy fur.jpg
Drums, backing vocals. Lucy (real name unknown) has been drummer for a number of John's projects. Basically, if John asks, he'll agree.

PB: Lucy Fur

Rob Cofell
Rob cofell.jpg
Guitar, backing vocals. Rob and Johnny have been friends for more years than either can remember. More of a part-time Demon, Rob also joins Johnny in songwriting.

PB: Rob Cofell


Johnny and the Demons were a band Garrison saw regularly while living in Toronto and over the years he became friends with the lead singer, Johnny. With Garrison's move to New York came connections to the scene there, and the band began to get the occasional New York gig. The band first encountered members of Snow Valley and Xavier's during Amanda's 21st birthday pub crawl when Garrison took the celebration to the pub he knew the band had a gig at.

Fortunately for the band, they were at a gig in Rochester during the events of Day Zero, although they wound up taking refuge with other NY refugees in a school gymnasium as they encountered the evacuation on the way back. With the cooperation of Harry, the band played a gig at the Hideaway to celebrate making it through the event.


Day Zero


Socked by: Dex and Rossi

Johnny Devil and the Screaming Demons are a RL band who play regularly in Toronto at the Yellow Griffin Pub. Similar to Chris Claremont featuring the RL band "Cats Laughing" in numerous X-Men and Excalibur issues, Johnny and the Demons have fallen into a similar role in X-Project.

The after party gig was recorded by Johnny and the Demons in Johnny's basement studio, with the help of cliff notes for various characters. He used a mix of studio recorded music and banter, and live crowd noises from one of his gigs plus some random conversation recorded with the Demons and his girlfriend.

Johnny also recorded the M-Squad jingle, enjoying himself far too much.