July 2019

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Revision as of 16:17, 13 August 2019 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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June 2019 *** August 2019
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Jul 1 - Fear in the Dark: XF puts their plan to motion; The second part of the heist, getting in, goes off without a hitch; the heist almost goes according to plan, until the ravens interfere; Wanda and Clea are waiting nearby as lookouts when they see two men teleporting out.

Jul 2 - Topaz makes a journal entry offering her soul to the first person who brings her an energy drink.

Jul 3 -

Jul 4 - Fear in the Dark: A break finally arrives as Daniel Drumm turns up unexpectedly, complete with a large book and some answers to the questions that have been plaguing the mansion.

Jul 5 - Fear in the Dark: Amanda posts to x_teams to give everyone a better idea of who they’re fighting. Case File: Take Me to Church: Alani and Angelo meet to talk about the Church of Humanity and what they can do against them.

Jul 6 -

Jul 7 - Gabriel makes a journal entry about his drunk time at Pride and the crazy nonsense in the background.

Jul 8 -

Jul 9 - Out of rehab, Warren has news for Bobbi - his father wants him to work in Switzerland.

Jul 10 -

Jul 11 - Fear in the Dark: Kyle reports to xp_teams that a local fight club is offering “the power of a god” as the prize for a special round of fights on Saturday.

Jul 12 -

Jul 13 - Fear in the Dark: Two teams of X-Men go to the fight club; Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Blink and Dust are inside and see the tradement Asgardian hammer box in the main ring; Nightcrawler tries to teleport it out but is unable to and winds up fighting the champion, Craig Hollis; Wolverine and Blink see Skadi and D’Spayre in the crowd and overhear their plan to use the fight as a way to find the Worthy for the hammer; before anyone can act, the hammer box is broken and Hollis revealed to be the newest Worthy, Angrir; Scott’s team try to subdue Angrir and evacuate the crowd while Jean stops the roof collapsing, but lose the three bad guys in the crush; outside, Dominion, Xavin and Spectrum are also on crowd control when they are confronted by Skadi, D’Spayre and Angrir; they fight, but Skadi and Angrir combine their hammer forces and escape; as the X-Men are leaving, Iron Man, Hawkeye and Black Widow approach them wanting to combine knowledge, but an emergency call forces them to all go to the Triskelion, which is under attack by all of the Worthy, plus the Dweller, who are after the last hammer; Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Dust and Spectrum join Iron Man against Nerkkod and Mokk; Dominion, Marvel Girl, Xavin and Captain America face Angrir and Griethoth and in the vault room, Cyclops, Hellion, Blink and the Hulk try to stop Kuurth, Skadi and the Dweller from getting to the hammer; during the course of the fight in the vault room, the Dweller is knocked out by Cyclops and teleported to the mansion, but the hammer box is broken and the Hulk becomes Nul; the bad guys teleport away and the X-Men head home; Jean and Amanda successfully combine forces to try and lock down the Dweller enough for Tandy to resurface.

Jul 14 - Fear in the Dark: Marie-Ange goes into a precognitive state and starts texting Fourteen with various drawings, who then shares them with Doug; in the morning, Thor arrives at the mansion with explanations and something to help Tandy with the Dweller; Thor and Tandy explain the situation to the leaders of the various teams, plus Iron Man and Captain America, and a collaboration is made; Clea posts to her journal about calamities across the world, while Cyclops posts an all-call to the mansion for help; the eight Worthy are in various cities across the world generating panic and fear for Cul to feed on and eight teams of mutants and Avengers take them on; a ninth team goes to Norway to confront Cul, who tries to free the Dweller; Marie-Ange and Doug help Tandy fight the Dweller for control while Cyclops, Hellion, Wolverine and Skin back up Thor who confronts his uncle with a new Odinsword; Cul knocks the sword away from Thor and it lands in front of Doug; Tandy approaches Cul and hits him with an enormous light burst and Doug beheads him with the sword; all over the world, the Worthies’ hammers turn to dust and the possessed bodies are released; Doug posts about needing an Odinsleep.

July 15 - Wanda offers her credit card towards feeding anyone who needs it. An Eye For An Eye: Strange happening continue at DIA with reports of a plane vanishing.

July 16 -

July 17 - Fear in the Dark: Amanda texts those closest to Tandy to join her and Jean in the medlab; The group journeys into Tandy's mind to bring her back and take care of her pest of a passenger.

July 18 - Warren finally meets with Lorna and is able to make amends. Jean announces that she'll be away in South America for Underground business. An Eye For An Eye: Topaz texts Clea to ask her to look into the strange occurrences in Denver while she recuperates.

July 19 - Artie shares the news of "methgators" with the mansion. Quentin finds Cecilia while looking for Jean and requests that she join him for some outside doctoring. The duo is able to successfully sneak into the hospital and come face to face with the treatment of visible mutants. Sooraya and Alani discuss what can be done to tackle the ever rising anti-mutant stance. Fear in the Dark: Tandy reaches out over text to thank those who helped bring her back.

July 20 -

July 21 -

July 22 - Sooraya and Angelo talk about the possibility of X-Corps being revived.

July 23 -

July 24 -

July 25 - Cecilia tells Quentin that she’s decided to leave the mansion and go back to working as a surgeon in New York.

July 26 - Hope talks to Warren about her plan for rebuilding his reputation and how it continues even when he leaves for Switzerland.

July 27 - Fear in the Dark: Jean announces her return from South America and posts the mission debrief about the Worthies. Cecilia says goodbye to Jean; Cecilia announces her departure. Case File: Take Me to Church: A father approaches Bobbi and Lorna about his missing daughter and it’s revealed his anti-mutant estranged wife was connected to the Church of Humanity; Lorna emails the rest of X-Factor to let them know they have a case; Quentin, Lorna and Maya research the missing girl and the Church of Humanity on the internet, while Sue and Bobbi look into the mother; Alex posts to xp_teams asking about others’ experiences with the CoH and Angelo responds.

July 28 - Fear in the Dark: Charles emails Tandy about the conditions SHIELD has insisted on for her to remain at the mansion, for her own protection. Case File: Take Me to Church: Alex, Hope and Arthur have staked out the Church of Humanity and notice there are a lot of people going in but no-one leaving and Hope discovers their missing girl is being held prisoner; a rescue is launched, but both the girl and her mother are killed by a gunshot; while searching the office of the priest in charge, Hope and Alex find evidence that he has been involved in the torture and murder of mutants, including the two Mutant Underground workers who were lynched two years ago; Alex lets the rest of X-Factor know the mission didn’t go well.

July 29 - Julian finds Tandy on the rooftop and they talk about the Dweller and what comes next.

July 30 - Megan breathes in her own dust and gets a bit randomly philosophical about the nature of self and time.

July 31 -


Fear in the Dark

An Eye for an Eye

Case File: Take Me to Church

External Links

July 2019