Template:Selected anniversaries/January 8

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January 8

2004: Shinobi confesses to Alison that he thought of using Miles for his power but assures her her wouldn't. Betsy announces her return to full health and faculties.

2005: Scott gets a pet turtle. Dani and Forge drive to Oklahoma to talk to her soon-to-be-ex-husband. Amanda and Manuel meet with the Pack in Berlin.

2006: Wanda manages a brief meeting with her brother, with snarkiness but also mutual filling-in on their years apart. Moira invites Doug, Forge and Kitty (plus significant others) to Muir to check over her computer systems in the wake of the hacking.

2007: X-Men Mission: Leverage: Forge posts about an upcoming resolution before the government banning insurance companies from asking for genetic status. Terry and Bobby return from Cassidy Keep. Domino helps Angelo get climbing gear, and later he and Nathan talk briefly about why they're there. Pietro sees Scott's scars and they talk about strength and recovery. Garrison and Marie talk about his reaction to X-Men Mission: Phalanx.

2008: Operation: Shaboom: Remy, now an insurance salesman, meets Wanda, a housewife, and discuss angles of investigation; Wanda meets Amanda at the library where she works, and witnesses a disturbing slip into the 1959 persona; under the guise of a pot luck lunch, X-Force meets to compare notes; Wanda and Doug go outside the range of the effect to do some checking on things; Mark, local dance compere, finds Amanda has completely slipped into 'Mandy' and has no memory of the outside world. Marius and Jennie exchange gossip in the kitchen, and Marius is uncomfortable with Jennie's hardline view; later, Marius talks with Monet about the elder Marius, and is again disturbed by a lack of insight. Forge and Crystal meet to debrief about her experience of Cortez, and awkwardly talk about the New Year's kiss.

2009: After meeting about the Hellfire Club the night before, Adrienne and Manuel wake up in bed together. Mechanisms of Revenge: Remy calls Morgan in to help with the Blue Area situation; Morgan and Amanda discuss the past few months; Morgan texts Adrienne offering her a bad guy souvenir; in Blue Mesa, the teams find themselves facing not only the Dark Riders, Sabretooth and Apocalypse, but also the transformed mutants of the commune; the fight goes to a standstill and three mysterious mutants appear on the scene, targeting Apocalypse; Apocalypse is beheaded and the mutants are revealed to be Garrison, Jay and Dani; Morgan calls Adrienne to tell her about Garrison being alive and apparently fine; Amanda posts to x_snowvalley via her PDA with the news all four of the missing are alive; in a secret location, Apocalypse thanks Dr. Nathaniel Essex for the clone that was sacrificed at Blue Mesa to allow him to rebuild his army in secret.