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Portrayed by
Known Aliases: list individuals here
Affiliations: Independent, have collaborated with SHIELD
Socked By: Dex
Introduction: X-Men Mission: Who You Gonna Call?

M-Squad is as inept physically as they are brilliant intellectually, and their outings resemble a Keystone Kops routine at times.


Dr. Ira Wainsborough
The defacto leader and a prissy New England native. Wainsborough is a physicist who is most annoyed that mutants keep doing things his math says they can’t do. He was denied tenure at MIT when his research methodology suggested invasive tests on undergrads to test the roots of mutant abilities.

PB: To be determined

Dr. Sidney Lutz
The main designer and engineer, most of the devices that they use were built by him from their research. Awkward and clumsy, Lutz tends to borrow quotes (and strategies) from 80s action films in combat.

PB: To be determined

Dr. Susan Leibovitz
The psychologist and ‘control’ expert. Leibovitz is in charge of the mutants once they ‘contain’ them. She has surprising insight into people that borders on psionic empathy, and has had success in constructing mental and emotional exercise to help control mutant abilities.

PB: To be determined.

Dr. Moshe Ben-Menahem
A chemical engineer, Moshe is also the lead practical researcher, testing ideas and theories directly. A conspiracy nut of the highest order, he constantly talks about international plots and cover-ups.

PB: To be determined.

Dr. Jagdish Singh Raghava
The main computer programmer and technician. Raghava is a font of obscure computer language and programs from the earliest days of computing. He proudly states he alone has had over three hundred apps banned by Apple for the iPhone.

PB: To be determined.


M-Squad is a mixed group of scientists who, in various ways, have made mutation their primarily object of researchers. Individually brilliant, these are academics making a living in the outside world for the first time, and display all the classic symptoms of moving from the Ivory Tower theoretical world to the actual one. The surprising thing about their technology is that it works; mutant power countermeasures are often odd and clunky, but end up being effective when deployed. M-Squad is as inept physically as they are brilliant intellectually, and their outings resemble a Keystone Kops routine at times.

The M-Squad crossed paths with the X-Men during the hunt for a mutant arsonist. Used by Tony Masters as a means of providing mutants for the mutant slave trade without their knowledge, M-Squad captured the recovery team for their tests. When they realised they had been duped, they released the group, who joined in the battle against Masters and his mercenary team. The M-Squad later were of service to the X-Men, handing over the arsonist to SHIELD without arousing suspicion.


X-Men Mission: Who You Gonna Call?


Socked by: Dex