Billy Kaplan

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William "Billy" Kaplan
Portrayed by Darren Criss
Codename: Wiccan
Affiliations: New Mutants
Birthdate: December 21, 1996
Journal: x_asgardian
Player: Matt

Blurb covering where your character is now. Very short, no more than three or four lines.


Character Journal: x_asgardian

Real Name: William "Billy" Kaplan

Codename: Wiccan

Aliases: Billy

First Appearance: (link to LJ (x_logs) with date as link text)

Date of Birth: December 21, 1996

Place of Birth: New York, NY

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Jeff Kaplan, Father, cardiologist at Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Rebecca Kaplan, Mother, psychologist at Columbia University
Kid brother 1: Jacob, 8
Kid brother 2: Esau, 7

Education: Soon to be Junior in high school

Relationship Status: single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: New Mutants



Summary of the character's pre-Xavier's life.

Living At The X-Mansion

May cover as many years as you want, but the sub-headings are to break up large blocks of text.

(Insert Header Title applicable to your character here)

Again, depends on the character. Basically breaks up your biography to avoid Wall O' Text. Plot events should be very briefly covered, as there will be links to the specific plot write-ups. Feel free to link to a plot within the biography.

(insert Header Title here)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 155 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Other Features: A fairly attractive teen, but on the shorter end of average height, neither slender nor muscular, for the most part, Billy’s physical appearance would be considered “average.” His hair, however, is Black!black, not just the dark brown many refer to as black, and it always carries a “just out of bed, I don’t care about my hair” look. Few people know, though, how much attention he actually gives to maintaining that look, since he recognizes it’s one of his most striking features.


Preferably more than one line. Describe how their power works, the limits, the applications.


Examples: Nate's psimitar, Angelo's Asgardian sword, Jamie's staff, Remy's bo, Amanda's amulet etc.


Little snippets that reflect your character's personality. eg: Cain doesn't know much about music after 1970, but is a big fan of Alison Blaire.


Links only. No descriptions.


Player: Matt

E-mail: Mattemail.png

AIM: wordsofbane

Player Icon Base: Darren Criss

Meta Trivia

Any curious little things about why the character, if the character had a prior player before you (and who they were), etc.