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Revision as of 21:20, 10 December 2013 by Rossi (talk | contribs)
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Character(s): Paige Guthrie
Email: AisyEmail.jpg
Date joined: June 2003

Former player of Sofia Mantega-Barret


Aisy, who now pretty much goes by Lauren, joined the game fairly near the beginning - remember beer can pr0n? - following a friend from another long gone game. She eventually moved to Toronto to follow her career in fashion design and now lives with her partner Dex and their pal Rossi in a rather sweet bungalow.

Game strengths include dialogue and layered characters. Weaknesses are writing plot proposals of her own, finishing anything and answering emails; it's not you, it's her.

Would like to own an entire closet of dupioni silk one day. Or shoes. Or both.

What time is it where Aisy is right now?

Error in widget Iframe: Unable to load template 'wiki:Iframe'


Modsocks NPCs Villains
None Guthrie Family,

Chris(tina) Morgan (Beta Flight)




GoldStarJan10.jpg - for completion of player bio

Green stars Mar 2010.jpg - for updating of Sofia Mantega-Barret by March 31, 2010.

Feedback - April 2007

Feedback - November 2007

Feedback - March 2009

Feedback - March 2010

Feedback - September 2011

Feedback - August 2012

Feedback - December 2013