The Prowler

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Aaron Davis Morales
Portrayed by Laz Alonso
Known Aliases: The Prowler
Affiliations: Independent
Socked By: Michael
Introduction: Patent Pending


Blurb - something sort summarising the character and their relationship with their protagonists.


Name: Aaron Davis Morales

Aliases: Prowler

Affiliation: Independent

First appearance: Patent Pending

Family: Jefferson Morales (brother), Miles Morales (nephew), possibly other cousins and nephews


Aaron Morales is the younger brother of Miles Morales's father Jefferson. He was a petty thief as a youth and never aged out of his criminal days, growing up to become a master criminal codenamed the Prowler. The Prowler, who could fit in well with the Thieves Guild, wears a costume and a mask to hide his identity and mostly sticks to petty thefts.

Aaron and his brother grew apart when the latter abandoned his life of crime to settle down and have a family, and the two have not been on speaking terms for a couple of years now. He and Miles still communicated, though neither knew each other's secret identity until the Prowler stole from Worthington Industries. After Miles, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock and Warren Worthington investigated, both Miles and his uncle's secret identities were blown.

Since the thefts, Aaron has disappeared, leaving no trace of his new location for his nephew.

Phase 2



Patent Pending


PB: Laz Alonso

Socked by: Michael