Mister M

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Mister M
Mister M.jpg
Portrayed by Wallace Shawn
Known Aliases: Mister M - real name unknown
Affiliations: Brotherhood of Mutants
Socked By: Rossi
Introduction: Mortimer Toynbee's Electric Funkedelic Boogaloo

Toad was a means to an end, he reminded himself, his way into the Brotherhood.

A mutant chemist with dreams of hitting the 'big time' of mutant terrorism with the Brotherhood of Mutants, Mister M. made the mistake of choosing Toad as his accomplice and wound up in prison.


Name: Unknown

Aliases: Mister M

Affiliation: Brotherhood of Mutants, anti-human

First appearance: August 8, 2011

Family: Unknown


Originally from Belgium, not a lot is known about the soft-spoken chemist known in District X as "Mister M". His power is the ability to scramble molecules, thus changing their effects - this power is limited only to pharmaceuticals and similar chemicals (such as food additives) and provides him a healthy living with the local drug addicts. Having lost his home and job during the aftermath of Day Zero, he harbours a certain resentment towards flatscans and habituates the more pro-Magneto discussion boards. One of the people he regularly talks to on the boards turns out to be Toynbee and after sounding out Mister M on his powers and how much he is willing to do (he's happy to create situations that could be dangerous, but won't actively kill or harm anyone himself), Toad developed his Kick plan with him, telling him it would get him noticed by Magneto himself.

During the confusion at Silver, Mister M gets an addled Toad out of the building, but is arrested by the NYPD as an accomplice to a known terrorist and during interrogation, quickly breaks down and confesses. He winds up in The Vault.


The ability to scramble molecules, thus changing their effects - this power is limited only to pharmaceuticals and similar chemicals (such as food additives)


Mortimer Toynbee's Electric Funkedelic Boogaloo


Socked by: Rossi

PB: Wallace Shawn