Generation X: Demon Bear

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Demon Bear
Dates run: May 10-11, 2018
Run By: Rei
Read the logs: Demon Bear

A spirit trapped inside an object, that isn't creepy or anything.

Something is stalking the halls of Bayville Charter High and it’s not the hall monitors.


Clea Lake, Stephen Strange, Maya Lincoln-Lopez, Rahne Sinclair, Monica Rambeau, Miles Morales, Xavin Majesdane, Alex Summers, Darcy Lewis, Julian Keller, Megan Gwynn, Meggan Szardos, Sharon Friedlander, Molly Hayes, Jean-Phillipe Colbert, Amanda Sefton, Topaz


May 10-11, 2018

Plot Summary

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May 10 - Generation X: Demon Bear: Clea’s and Stephen’s history professor shows them his new artifacts.

May 11 - Generation X: Demon Bear: The kids get to school, and find out there was some vandalizing; through the day, they have weird and terrifying encounters; while talking, Maya sees a girl who disappeared earlier in the day, only for her to disappear again; Nica, Miles, and Xavin arrive at school to meet the kids for a movie, and the world turns upside down; Miles, Nica, and Clea are separated from everyone else; the rest realize something weird is going on; Angel posts about the GPS on the kids’ phones going crazy; Alex, Darcy, Megan, and Julian go to the school to find out what’s going on, and get caught up in the weirdness; more missing, more finding; Nica and Clea find the adults who came to look for them, as well as Rahne; Jean-Phillipe posts about the group that went to the school also falling out of touch; Molly, Meggan, Jean-Phillipe, and Sharon arrive at the school and begin investigating; Darcy, Megan, Nica, and Clea find Sharon, Molly and Megan; all the groups finally reunite, and a plan is set to go at the bear; they have their final encounter with the bear, finally taking it down; Alex, Julian, and Jean-Phillipe find the missing girl, who has no memory of what happened, and bring her to the hospital. Miles complains to Gabriel about ending up in another world.

Related Links

Links to things/concepts/locations that arose for the first time in the game during the plot. Eg. The Neutraliser, Nova Roma, etc.

External Links

Demon Bear

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Rei