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MoA Blink2.png
Moment of Awesome - Clarice Ferguson/Blink: During the nanite invasion, Clarice does what she can for her patient, Maya Lincoln-Lopez.

Right then. Giving Maya what she hoped was a reassuring smile, Clarice disappeared from her view for a moment, returning with the EMP and pointing it at her head. Pressing the button to activate it, she really, really, hoped this worked. And more than that, that it didn't do further harm. That was the trade off though to 'first do no harm.' Sometimes, every option was terrible.

Moving away again once the EMP powered down, Clarice returned with the white board, awkwardly using her sleeve to wipe it clear and writing, How do you feel?, then offering the girl a plastic cup of water with a straw. She had to be thirsty after all that screaming.

Maya took a sip gratefully, and a sigh of gratefulness passed her lips as she lay back down.

“I think that worked?” Maya replied, trying but unable to tell if there’d been any damage done. She was still too full of pain killers to feel anything but floaty. “Can you take the restraints off? What’s been happening?”

She knew she’d been asleep but she didn’t know how long, or what why she’d had nanites in her brain. She needed to know whether they were in danger.

You'd likely be in pain despite the drugs if it didn't, Clarice wrote, setting the board down to undo the restraints, Mansion's infected with nanites. All tech is susceptible, including your cochlear. Sorry :( She wasn't sure if Maya knew ASL or not, but it likely didn't matter much at least right now, because she didn't know much more than a vague recollection of the alphabet and how to introduce herself. She'd joined a club in 6th grade, before things had gone to mutant heck. Not only had she not gotten very far, but that was a long time ago.

“Thanks.” Maya signed and said now that her hands were free. “She didn’t have much hope that Clarice knew ASL but she’d been surprised before. “Can I move?”

She wasn’t sure how much she’d be able to given she still felt like she was floating but she also didn’t want to stay in a Medlab brimming with technology if they could get out of here.

Move? Clarice raised her eyebrows, You need to fight because yeah, she could teleport them both somewhere safe, that was why she'd stayed with Maya in the medbay instead of evacing her and risking either a). spreading the nanites or b). hurting Maya further by taking her away from what might save her life. But if she could move under her own power, hearing or not, they needed to get the hell out and help save their home.