Janet Van Dyne

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Janet Van Dyne
Portrayed by Nora Zehetner
Codename: 'Gidget'
Affiliations: Xavier Institute - graduate student
Birthdate: June 1, 1989
Journal: x_wasp
Player: Cassidy

Surprised by a sudden manifestation of a new power - the ability to shrink to insect-like proportions - Janet Van Dyne became the latest local girl to attend Xavier's.


Character Journal: x_wasp

Real Name: Janet Van Dyne

Codename: None

Aliases: Jan

First Appearance: 3/23/2007

Date of Birth: June 1, 1989

Place of Birth: Cresskill, New Jersey

Citizenship: US

Relatives: Vernon Van Dyne (father)

Education: High school senior

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student

Team Affiliation: None



Janet is an only child who grew up in a family semi-accepting of mutants. Her father loves his daughter, but was less than pleased when she grew wings shortly after her 14 th birthday and even less pleased when, a year later, she began accidentally shocking people by simply touching them. As she attended Salem High School, know for its anti-mutant reactions as Tommy Jones and Laurie Collins had discovered, she kept these two powers secret.

At seventeen, Janet was reported missing when she seemingly disappeared during a camping trip with friends. The campers had been startled by a bear and believed Janet had slept through the ordeal, but she had actually been so startled that a new aspect of her powers came into play and she shrunk to a one-inch size. Unable to see or hear her, Janet's friends thought she disappeared and told her father. The police were called in and several Xavier's residents decided to help look for the missing teen. Janet stung several of her would-be-rescuers but was simply brushed aside. It was not until her parents finally revealed that Janet was a mutant that the Xavier's residents realized they could be looking at a powers mishap. However, it was only when Janet started screaming at Theresa Cassidy that she was finally heard and Janet was safely brought back home. Unsure of what to do with a miniscule daughter who did not know how to become human-sized once more, Vernon allowed Janet to stay at Xavier's so they could help her out.

Living At The X-Mansion

Jan settled in quickly at the school, despite the handicap posed by her tiny size. Unable to be heard by anyone except those with enhanced hearing and terrified of being squashed, she communicated largely via the journal system, jumping from key to key to type. She re-established contact with her former boyfriend, Tommy Jones, and made friends. A slight increase in size meant she was able to communicate more easily, and Forge helped with tiny computer keyboards for her to use. During Easter she became known as the Peep Fairy when she sprinkled crumbed pieces of the candy on various people.

As a result of this prank, Jan was assigned a presentation on the History of Peeps, to be given during lunch. The talk became somewhat more dramatic than expected when Jan regained her full size during it. After speaking to her father, she returned home to complete her high school year at her normal school. She does, however, visit Xavier's often for powers training and to visit her friends.

Physical Characteristics

Height: up to 5' 4", but can shrink to an inch tall

Weight: up to 115 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown and worn short

Other Features: Pierced ears and insect-like wings in all sizes.


Janet has gossamer-looking, insect-like wings. Although they appear to be quite fragile, they are actually strong and quite capable of flight. When Janet shrinks, she grows stronger. Janet can fold her wings against her back and they will be unnoticed under most clothes. Janet also possesses the ability to generate a bio-electric charge from her fingers; she has semi-control over this ability and generally wears insulated gloves to prevent her from accidentally shocking anyone. Janet is also able to shrink to a one-inch size; she hasn't yet learned how to do this and change back to her normal size at will.

Janet still has much to learn about her powers. She grew the wings when she was 14 and started generating the bio-electric charge a year later. She hasn't had much chance to fly around and she's terrified of hurting people so she'll join the "I wear gloves" club until she learns how to control them.


A specialized miniature keyboard and viewscreen to allow Janet to access the mansion's computer systems when shrunk to one inch tall.


Janet's clothes don't grow or shrink with her, much to the entertainment of the boys at her presentation.



Size Does Matter

Voodoo Child

X-Men Mission: Fin Fang Foom!!!


Player: Cassidy

E-mail: 120px

AIM: xLadyCrystal

Player Icon Base: Nora Zehetner

Meta Trivia

Janet's entrance was kept a secret - up until her first post to the journals, she was thought to be an NPC.